Shot taken from a one lane bridge in a little town in North Alabama called Martlin. This spot is also very photogenic in Autumn with vivid fall colors.
This spot would be fantastic with fall color. I hope you can get back there and shoot it in October! The shot you have is nice, but the additional color with the misty conditions will get you a winner. It might be fun to get into the water to bring the foreground closer making the viewer feel like they're there. I'd love to see more posts of this in the fall :-)
I like the swirl of water as well, and think you did a great job of capturing it, but I think you've included too much fog. (some people will ask if there is such as thing as too much fog, I'm sure! *grin*) If you cropped out the top 1/4th I think the picture becomes stronger... more about the pull of the water and not so washed out. Just my opinion, but just take a look, and see what you think!