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Image Title:  Fading
Favorites: 5 
 By: Marília Ferraz  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Marília Ferraz {Karma:15244}
Project #15 Personal Style Camera Model Nikon Coolpix 5700
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio A Garden's soul
Lens Nikkor ED
Uploaded 7/9/2003 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1431 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture 3.5
Critiques 67 Rating
/ 52 Ratings
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About Dreams are only dreams, vanishing when the day breaks.
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There are 67 Comments in 1 Pages
Maja Š Maja Š   {K:17951} 10/11/2007


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 9/28/2007
Excellent !!!!!!!


william carol   {K:8} 9/10/2004
ola marilia ........muito,muito linda sua foto mesmo!!!
minha curiosidade e' saber como vc faz esse efeito???


Gustavo Fadel   {K:892} 5/19/2004

Gostei de quase todas suas fotos, adorei a maneira que vc trabalha com a luz, dando destaque a certas partes da foto.

Esta em particular me chamou a atenção, pelas cores e composição.

Vou te adicionar a minha lista de "friends", pois quero mesmo acompanhar suas próximas fotos.




pertti jukkara   {K:1720} 11/6/2003
no words needed!!


Jay Dixon   {K:563} 9/12/2003
Hi, I haven't been around for a while, but typed my name into google and my usefilm portfolio was at the top of the list, so I figured I'd stop by. Is this real? The mood is excellent. I like it......J.


Robson Zumkeller Campos   {K:4071} 8/13/2003
Maravilhosa cena Marilia, muito bem verdadeiro sonho. Parabens!!


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 8/8/2003
why do they always HAVE to vanish?


j w   {K:12641} 7/21/2003
Hi Marilia, I keep coming to your portfolio to thank you for your kind comments on my work, and get distracted by something and forget to leave a comment. But THIS is the photo which always stands out for me. Of course I love that misty grey background, and the red framing it, like a doorway to the dream world, is wonderful. Great work!

And again, my thanks to you.


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 7/21/2003


cinzia gregorutti   {K:4721} 7/15/2003
that's perfect!beautiful work!!congrats!


Ulf Fågelhammar   {K:10975} 7/15/2003
Beautiful and very emotional. Like blood stains falling to the ground. Like the late autumn glowing, before winter comes.


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 7/13/2003
very nice work. i agree with Tiro.
and thanks for your comment :)


Sonia ~   {K:2128} 7/12/2003
Marilia, you have successfully captured the surreal look. Love the effect.


Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 7/12/2003
What a great mood this picture has, and such a depth... I like the tones, the light, the colors... Very, very good.


Marco Grandi   {K:16680} 7/12/2003
Superb and dramatic atmosphere,Marilia!!Congrats,again!
Ciao e Buonanotte,Marco.


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 7/12/2003
Hi Marília:
Já tinha saudades de encher o meu olhar com encantos como este. Esta imagem está simplesmente maravilhosa, a sua arte e inspiração contínuam no seu melhor.
Um sorriso


Judy Kessler   {K:6316} 7/11/2003
most lovely... such a wonderful work of art.


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 7/11/2003
hÝ Marilia,its a very poetic shot, and so artistic,i loved the color contrast so much and your reds,which is always a difficult color to deal with.My best regards to you,HaKaN.


Peppino Bonu   {K:7607} 7/11/2003
Splendid picture. Emotional and evocative composition. I especially like the colour contrast. Regards, Peppino.


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 7/11/2003
Very deep beauty! Fading into dark mist though,a premonition of new green buds are coming behind slowly. Thanks good comment for my pic.


Robert Fox   {K:208} 7/10/2003
This is fantastic -- not much more to say.


Paolo Cardone Paolo Cardone   {K:1161} 7/10/2003
For my wedding photos I go anywhere.
I need a brasilian agent...


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 7/10/2003
que coisa deliciosa para os sentidos ... amei esta sua foto!
grande beijinho ..o T. tem um talento especial para ver para além das coisas ...


Maurilio Ultramari   {K:8200} 7/10/2003
Linda Marilia! Prova do seu talento.


Dirck DuFlon   {K:35779} 7/10/2003
Wonderful photo, Marilia! I love the combination of the desaturated background and the oversaturated leaves - an excellent depiction of a dream!


Andrea Spinelli   {K:69} 7/10/2003
Excellent photo! beatiful composition it is very original.ciao


NN  NN     {K:26787} 7/10/2003
You have captured a great mood in this beautiful composition; congrats, Marilia!


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 7/10/2003
Excellent Abstracts work, Marilia
..mission kim


Naty Z   {K:16436} 7/10/2003


Paulo Granadas   {K:1711} 7/10/2003


Carlos Brando   {K:4637} 7/10/2003
excelente composição e edição... gostei do efeito


lowell whipple girbes   {K:13151} 7/10/2003
very interesting
i'll be back.


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 7/10/2003
Bravissima Marilia!
Delicatissima immagine!.... Bellissima la composizione e l'atmosfera creata!
mi piace molto!
ciao donato


Sarah Moustafa Sarah Moustafa   {K:4456} 7/10/2003
Excellent shot.


augusto mario cunha   {K:19049} 7/9/2003
Esta está linda de morrer! Adorei os poucos toques de cores no meio de tanto cinza. Chopin, era o cara que só conhecia o piano, não é? Por falar nisto, você que é uma ardente Mozartiana, deve ter as sonatas para piano, provavelmente num Steinway. Você já as ouviu num moderno Bösendorfer, que parece mais com o Forte Piano do tempo de Mozart? Retirei a imagem que causava problemas em monitores menos potentes do que o meu. Foi uma experiência com um objeto com 20cm de profundidade, o que explica os problemas encontrados. Coloquei no lugar uma linda florzinha, que, na minha ignorância botânica, apelidei de Pentagons.


G C   {K:12204} 7/9/2003
Honestly, I've had this dream, feel like I've been to this place! Seriously, a deja vu for me! Brilliantly captured.


Elaine Collins   {K:1575} 7/9/2003


Masahiko Shibata Masahiko Shibata   {K:14107} 7/9/2003
Oh! Marilia! Thanks! It is may be just an oilpainters opinion.Because
Everything in the world doesn't have same color and precisely looking it is different indetail.It is our way of painting.This brings the work deapth.About your photo,FOR ME it looks almost same red.But this is only my opinion or choice.I can understand your vivid dream well!Oh! Dream ! That might be flat!....Yes that is flat! OK! I am very glad and happy to have nice time to talk with you!! Thanks!!


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 7/9/2003
This is a beautiful photography and it also expresses a true concept, even if sad, the vanishing dreams... However, even if we cannot live of dreams, we cannot neither live without dreams. Good dreams tonight my friend... Max :)


Nita M   {K:4986} 7/9/2003
Beautiful, just beautiful.


T Glow   {K:14955} 7/9/2003
poética camposição!! vermelho que dá vida à cena! Classe de sempre! Abraço aqui da chuva!!!


Jorge Garcia   {K:8733} 7/9/2003
Show de foto Marilia!!!!! Vc vai me desculpar mas não posso deixar de elogiar o seu talento. Começo a não ter palavras suficientes para criticar seus trabalhos porque não quero usar termos estereotipados...
Este trabalho é de mestre minha cara!


Anna Pagnacco   {K:7448} 7/9/2003
Like a beautiful lace, Marilia....Ciao, Anna


larry terry   {K:1965} 7/9/2003
wonderful job the red almost looks like blood. great job


Harlan Heald Harlan Heald   {K:15732} 7/9/2003
Great drama here! Such dreams!!!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 7/9/2003


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 7/9/2003
Wonderful composition, Marilia! Excellent idea of partial desaturation, with the tree and leaves in vivid color. Parabéns! ..... Lucas


Rena Tsiflidou   {K:2606} 7/9/2003
Great mood!


Carole Bradford   {K:10715} 7/9/2003
This is marvelous, Marilia - love the composition and mist - so dramatic and romantic! Excellent work!


GP Merfeld   {K:14396} 7/9/2003
Ooooh Marilia, you are exhibiting some fine selective desaturation technique here, for a beautiful, moody dream of an image. Wonderful composition of the natural angles and slopes really adds to the surreal effect. Exquisite foggy background provides the perfect contrast to those wild splashes of red. Outstanding work!


rino sirio   {K:8012} 7/9/2003
una bella atmosfera...e buon lavoro......ciao


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 7/9/2003
muy al estilo japones


Reda Danaf   {K:14309} 7/9/2003
Wonderful shot well composed, great mood.


Christian Wettergren   {K:1333} 7/9/2003
Oh, spooky feeling I must say. Not pleasant dreams anyway, I'd rather be awake (without illusions) than eat those poisonous berries!

Beatiful and expressive photo, with excellent lighting, mist and everything.


José Eduardo Cruz   {K:13180} 7/9/2003


rich jones   {K:426} 7/9/2003
distinguish work


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 7/9/2003
Maybe, Masahiko, but some of the dreams still remain vivid through out the day.


Masahiko Shibata Masahiko Shibata   {K:14107} 7/9/2003
Nice creative work!!Nice texture though ,just a bit too strong red?,I think.


Rui Palha Rui Palha   {K:13624} 7/9/2003
This is not only a very beautiful picture...this is more than this.
Excellent, Marilia.


Roland Le Gall   {K:7018} 7/9/2003
I don't want to know how you did....But results are gorgeous...small red lights, hope messages, in the grey of days...


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 7/9/2003
great work. nice tones and a very special exposure.


MaryBell    {K:32791} 7/9/2003
Beautiful work desaturating (I assume you desaturated). It really is fall for you isn't it? I think that what especially adds to the dreaminess of this is the tilt to the landscape - makes it all the more surreal.


José Lins José Lins   {K:1544} 7/9/2003
Great job Marilia...You have the talent.


Barry Walthall   {K:5312} 7/9/2003
Wow!!!! Very, very good Marilia! I mean it I'm floored by this image....You keep surprising me...7/7....goes to my favorites.


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 7/9/2003
An excellent composition Marilia
Regards, Hayri.


Tamar Matsafi   {K:875} 7/9/2003
wow, a real beauty




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