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Final goal
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Image Title:  Final goal
Favorites: 0 
 By: Kenan Muslić  
  Copyright ©2014

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Photographer Kenan Muslić  Kenan Muslić {Karma:246}
Project #55 Peace & Tranquility Camera Model Nikon D90
Categories Wildlife
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Mountains of Bosnia
Lens Nikon 18-105 f/3.5-5.6G ED AF
Uploaded 12/28/2014 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 200
Views 1072 Shutter 1/1500
Favorites Aperture f/4.5
Critiques 19 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City -  Mt. Bjelašnica
Country - Bosnia and Herzegovina   Bosnia and Herzegovina
About Mountain climbing, breathtaking expirience for everyone who enjoy fresh air and a goldmine for photographers.
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Academy and its bridge

Bjelašnica Mountain

Going for the summit


Final goal

Abstract B&W

Roman Bridge

There are 19 Comments in 1 Pages
Kenan Muslić Kenan Muslić   {K:246} 12/30/2014
Hvala draga Srna Trudim se biti što bolji, mada imam još mnoooogo toga za naučiti
Puno pozdrava,


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 12/30/2014
Divan prizor sjajno skockan ... odlicno ... odlican si, nemam primedbi :)
Cestitke za BIP :) Bravo !


Kenan Muslić Kenan Muslić   {K:246} 12/29/2014
Thank you Nigel :)
Best regards,


Nigel Watts.   {K:5236} 12/29/2014
Congratulations on your award


The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 12/28/2014
Would be a wonderful thing Kenan!



Kenan Muslić Kenan Muslić   {K:246} 12/28/2014
Yes indeed, a lot of jealousy, but we gotta move on, try out best and apreciate people that wanna transfer knowlidge, like you do :) Thank you for your support, it means a lot for me, and I hope we'll meet one day, as two big artist
Best regards my friend,


The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 12/28/2014
We are so on the same path Kenan!
The words you speak could have come right out my mouth. Yesterday and today. Only thing different is time is not on my side. So I understand and only want to share what I can when I can. I count it an honor my friend. Words you speak are very true. Lots of jealousy in the world.
Best wishes and you have a really great start and a lot of knowledge. You will go far. That's easy to see!
Enjoy seeing your talent at work in your images you share and look forward to watching you grow into a great artist!

Warmest Regards,



Kenan Muslić Kenan Muslić   {K:246} 12/28/2014
I'm keen on learning, expanding my horizons, especialy from other photographers who have more expirience than me, and just like you, can help me learn to become a better in this job I do. I'm young and the time is in my favour, so when I say thank you, I really mean it, Its hard to have a deep and meaningfull critique these days, most of the people keep it for themselves, couse they are affraid that you may know more then them one day. Thank you for your effort to make me understand :)
Best regards,


The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 12/28/2014
All my pleasure Kenan. When you learn to know what makes a good photo and see it put into action its the job and pleasure of the viewer
to read and critique in depth. I realize you
don't see it much. It seems its more based on
the amount of friends and comments received
than anything else....Shame really.
The photographer is doing all the work and its the viewers pleasure to reward and give thanks
for his hard work and talent. Least that's the way I see it. Said when a thank you is longer than the critique or even comment! Check it out sometime.
Keep up the great work and Ill surely be here to enjoy and pay my respect!

Best wishes Kenan,



Kenan Muslić Kenan Muslić   {K:246} 12/28/2014
Wow Paul, I'm so pleased with your comment, you really pay attention for every little bit of detail. Thank you for your ratings and opinion, I shall keep up the good work.
Thank friend, and best regards,


Kenan Muslić Kenan Muslić   {K:246} 12/28/2014
Yes It's slighty too much visible, I added it a little bit to make a contrast more popup. This is mostly natural Sky above. Thank you for your comment Serge, I shall pay attention nex time I make these kind of photos :)
Best regards,


Kenan Muslić Kenan Muslić   {K:246} 12/28/2014
Hvala Nanda, trudio sam se da kompozicija bude cakun pakun :)
Puno pozdrava


The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 12/28/2014
Creativity of presentation 5
Initial impact 5
Center of interest 5
Color harmony 5
Technique 5
Technical excellence 5
Story telling ability 5
Lighting 5
Exposure 5
Distractions 5

Standing there like the viewers of the image in awe!
Excellent capture with a very creative view and perspective Kenan! love the wonderful colors. Excellent lighting and framing. Excellent story tilling ability and center of interest. Point on exposure. Nothing in the frame to distract from your subjects. Great technique and technical excellence. An excellent image and a pleasure to view Kenan.
Well done!

Overall score/Rating

Warm Regards,



Serge Moscow Serge Moscow   {K:-2917} 12/28/2014
Blue filter above is too visible. Probably, it'd be better makes WB more blue and then enchanced blue color on HSL section of Lightroom.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 12/28/2014
Lijepo Kenane, dobra kompozicija.


Kenan Muslić Kenan Muslić   {K:246} 12/28/2014
Thank you Paul, sure it looks like one
Best regards.


Kenan Muslić Kenan Muslić   {K:246} 12/28/2014
Thank you Jose for your comment,
Best regards,


Paul Freeman Paul Freeman   {K:35606} 12/28/2014
Very nice. Looks like a post card.


a. Scarabeo a. Scarabeo   {K:16333} 12/28/2014
Very good title for a superb capture.
Very clear and colorful image.




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