Thanks a lot for you comment:) I was testing the camera, this is my second film test. I was walking around a demolished area and find on the ground this 35mm film. Usually in China, you can see playing cards, toys, shoes ... After this picture I saw many other negatives and some 120mm. Usually I don’t pick up things that I find on the ground, but in this case I decided to recover the films. All the negatives,120mm and 35mm were in terrible conditions, covered by dried mud and dust. Some pictures were broken, scratched, erased ... Unfortunately I was able to same only the 120mm ... I scanned the 120mm pictures and they seems taken around '70s or early '80s, maybe an honeymoon in Beijing ...
A great move up camera-wise with tremendous intentional dof on the 35mm film roll although the background is greatly distracting, but perhaps works well in this case especially with the 'Title' ...