James Cook
{K:38068} 6/16/2009
Roger - You have such a way with words. Thanks, man. But, yeah, normally a magnifying filter is invisible in the final product--you've just zoomed in. Here it has announced its presence but in a way which is not in its repertoire.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 6/16/2009
excellent application of a tool normally just used in a very boring way.. this lifts the lid on all that and kicks it up the tucker chute.. excellent well seen mate
James Cook
{K:38068} 6/16/2009
Yes, that's what I'm familiar with--that edge distortion/blurring. Probably fun to play with. I thought this was a pretty innovative use of reflection.
The King
{K:4728} 6/16/2009
and here is samples!
The King
{K:4728} 6/16/2009
oh here, you will like it :)
The King
{K:4728} 6/16/2009
naa, all they do is blur the lens around then it gos to focus in the middle, looks like you can angle it as well i guess to get a more warped setting
James Cook
{K:38068} 6/16/2009
Thanks, TK.
I guess I'm not that familiar with Lens Babies. Can you do reflective work with them as well?
The King
{K:4728} 6/16/2009
Interesting!!, almost like a Lens Baby effect :)