{K:2720} 6/21/2003
absolutely wonderful!..... as Darren says, it's not simple portrait..... I like this very much!
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 6/10/2003
These are my kinda pics Shelby,sooo beautiful
julio vagrant
{K:694} 6/7/2003
deep.. very good tones and treatment
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 6/4/2003
yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noora ...
{K:351} 6/4/2003
I really like your portraits, Shelby.. There is always something esthetically appealing to look at.. somthing emotional to feel.. and a lot more to imagine..
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 6/4/2003
Arthur Z
{K:5328} 6/4/2003
I sound pretty repetitive in my comments of your work Shelby...but here I go again....your eyes...so strong, they are what make this image so great, the expression they convey....and your strong texture, while of course the image doesn't need it to be a great portrait, brings something else, it's like your thoughts somehow depicted, a layer between us and you....it's no longer a simple portrait, it's more about the inner expression....
Evina Schmidova
{K:2034} 6/4/2003
E.X.C.E.L.L.E.N.T!!!!! *****
André Bermak
{K:14443} 6/4/2003
Nota 10
kristin kanan
{K:226} 6/4/2003
beautiful, shelby! :)
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 6/4/2003
Excellent ~ regards!
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 6/4/2003
your self all that's left to give ? 'I got nothing with me' - so, throw it away, too' (zen koan) : throw yourself away your pretty, lovely self : you'll be free :)