Elin M
{K:842} 6/4/2003
WOW! this is so cool! for 3 year ago i took a simular picture like yours at myself, it also ended up green and high contrasted, but i think that yours is mucho better!
julio vagrant
{K:694} 6/2/2003
impactante ?? expresa muy bien .. so good
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 6/1/2003
...well listen Shelby, i just had a look at your latest photos on your page, here, and i love what you're doing ! I don't have time enough actually to comment all your pics, but be sure that i'm a true fan !
k b
{K:1191} 5/30/2003
Very powerful. I think we all feel that way at some point; this picture is a perfect visual representation of that feeling. Very nice.
{K:32791} 5/30/2003
the angle and the texture complete the image...
bj burrows
{K:334} 5/30/2003
seen better by you, visually.. but i understand that this means sumthing to you .... and why you do it... =) so i appreciate it.
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 5/29/2003
I... this is so good - and a good song too...
Suvomoy Mitra
{K:8369} 5/29/2003
Helplessly tracking each one, words side by side...getting into the climax, slowly. Remembering Hypgnosis!
Subha Pindiproli
{K:10108} 5/29/2003
very artistically and tactfully done.. i didn't read your comments in full.. but the visual impact of your presentation exists.. 7/7