Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/31/2009
Thanks a lot for the info and get the best possible results for a real big print, Mohamed! It will be a great print then.
mohamed sobhy
{K:2186} 3/25/2009
Dear Nick , Thanks for your comment , I totally agree with you about that sharpening matter , it is even more obviouse in the original sized pic , I intended to get the edge sharpened without using a filter but it resulted in that jigsaw contours , and the sky artefacts is mainly because I 've done a lot of editing to erase lot of obstacles in the original pic, but I really think that I need to rework it again specially if I am going to print it on large canvas thanks a lot for ur useful comment
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/25/2009
Very intense but well fitting coloring for the impression of aged photography, which in turn matches the age of the building, Mohamed! And it was great that the panoramic ipload worked! The big one sustains the impression even better.
The composition is well balanced for the scene. I only don't know of the part of the block of buildings at the left is necessary or not. It doesn't disturb anyway.
The exposure balance was also very good for allowing many details to be captured bith on highlights as also on shadows. The contrast between the metallicoty of the cas and the building behind them is an eye magnet.
And then we come to the details... Sigh! The image is completely oversharpened, Mohamed! Look at the jigsaw contours of almost all details and lines on the facade. Look at the artefacts on the sky. Is there any special purpose for that?
If you have the original you should really rework it with less additinal sharpening.
mohamed sobhy
{K:2186} 11/25/2008
thank you for your kind comment
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 11/7/2008
breath taking!! awesome shot!!