Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/25/2008
Thank you John for visiting and making me all these compliments. Indeed I got a lot of contrasts in one picture. I realized and you noticed that's a big reward I think. But this type of transportation ? Do you not prefer a somewhat more contrasting car ? :-) all the best, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/25/2008
Merci beaucoup cher Arif, a second from daily life for you could be a big part of daily life of others. Millions of commuters taking the underground everyday. And uhh..the lady she is not in the wrong train, but the wrong lady maybe for the right train :-) all the best my friend, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/25/2008
Have a nice holiday trip to CA dear Michele, not by taking the train I suppose. If upper or lower class I do not know as the tall guy in some respect is also "upper" compared to the "lower" sitting lady. I changed the expression as "different" as making part myself of the "diplomatic" class :-) But only just today... hugs and kisses, Paul
John Hatz
{K:156973} 9/25/2008
Nice shot... I like the different ways these two persons watching, also that one seats and the other stands, also that one is a woman and the other man... everything goes to the two different ways and that is a very nice element for a snapshot Paul, excellent. best regards!
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 9/25/2008
a second from daily life!!! the expression of the lady is so interesting, like in a wrong train:) compliments my dear friend, rif
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/25/2008
Totally perfect example of 'equal & opposite' my dear Paul - the lady althou sitting in the lower position is obviously the 'upper-class' so SHE thinks ...and the 'man' altho standing above her - appears to be in the 'lower class' ...PEOPLE ARE SOOOOOOOOOOO WIERD huh? Great candid my friend !! I love it - Hugs, & kisses, Michele~
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/24/2008
Hi Nicki, it was a very short moment I thought to be in a theatre. People do not always realize being good actors as well. The train goes on and new situations appeared and disappeared all the time. Glad that you liked this one. In fact I like making candids most of all because it comes closest in my need of seizing the moment. Gros Bisous, Paul
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 9/24/2008
Your picture works very well with the title and with the project!!!Indeed two classes of people here!A very fine lady and a man who doesn't look so very fine:))I have to smile about the face expression from the lady...a bit big-headed:)))! Very well seen and taken paul!!! Have a nice sunny day in Paris!! Big hugs, Nicki
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/24/2008
Thank you very much Luca. Indeed people do not need to smile to make other people smile. Laughing and smiling just as expression of happiness. I adore making candids of people. I really respect how they are and behave with respect to each other. For me it's more recognition than laughing in fact, which makes me happy. All the best my friend, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/24/2008
Hi Aziz, thanks for your comment. In fact the grainy aspect is applied to skin tones in particular which enhances the expressions of people. I think in this way exploiting the technical limit of the CMOS sensor does not harm so much as well it helps to get a certain effect on mood and character. Best regards, Paul
Luca Peccerillo
{K:17660} 9/23/2008
Well done Paul great sense of humor! All the best:)
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 9/23/2008
Very good grainy photo, interesting subject, ..