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 By: Julie Salles  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Julie Salles  Julie Salles {Karma:22654}
Project #50 Alternate Perspective Camera Model Nikon D40
Categories Cityscape
Film Format SD Card
Portfolio Personal POV
Lens Sigma 17-70 HSM Macro
Uploaded 7/8/2008 Film / Memory Type Extreme III SD Card
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 711 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 59 Rating
/ 15 Ratings
Location City - 
State -  TORONTO
Country - Canada   Canada
About Taken from the lakefront in Toronto.
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There are 59 Comments in 1 Pages
Sam Andre Sam Andre   {K:12484} 12/8/2008
great shot, specially the use of complementary colours


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 12/6/2008
Nice frame... hehehe... little bit lower and you could put that big tower at the bottom of that umbrella... to make a nice perspective game, nice frame... great the color of the umbrella too, adds a lot!
best regards!


jorge carvalho jorge carvalho   {K:6262} 7/18/2008
You too Julie, have a nice fim de semana and so on :)


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/18/2008
Hey stranger, thanks for your comment.
Yeap, that's me :)
Have a nice weekend,


jorge carvalho jorge carvalho   {K:6262} 7/18/2008
Good photo...i recognyze you too, you are in green shirt :)


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/15/2008
Big smile on my face right now :)
You're a sweetie! Thank you so much dear Biljana for your kind comment.
Big hug,


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 7/15/2008
Amazing !!You have great eye ...and you always make something unusual and wonderful:))))

big hug my dear


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/14/2008
Thank you Erland.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/14/2008
Thank you very much Surajit.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/14/2008
Thank you so much dear Gustavo!


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 7/13/2008
Very good photo


Surajit Mukerji   {K:3889} 7/13/2008
wonderful angle. excellent color distribution. best regards.


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 7/13/2008
Me encantan los contrastes y el POV que elegiste.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 7/12/2008
Jus tell me where you took the picture please.
Have a nice weekend Julie, xx Harry


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/11/2008
;) (now, I am really blushing. Thanks!)
Have a good weekend dear Harry!


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 7/11/2008
Oh Julie, you are standing in the middle, great smile and great figure, now I am starting to fall in love ;-)


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/11/2008
Which one am I? ;)


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 7/11/2008
Can I see a photo of you with blush :-) ?
Brave you did dare to go to Canada !!!
Regards, Harry


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/10/2008
You're making me blush dear Harry :)
Thank you so much!


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/10/2008
Thank you so much dear Melek. Glad you like it!


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 7/10/2008
Awesome Julie ! Its just perfect. 7/7


Melek Kul Melek Kul   {K:3599} 7/10/2008
nice shoot and perspective dear Julie:)
great great...


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/9/2008
Thank you so much Joggie, I appreciate your comment.


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 7/9/2008
A different and fresh approach - Great angle Julie!


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/9/2008
Thank you very much dear Ania :)


Ania Blazejewska Ania Blazejewska   {K:23981} 7/9/2008
beautiful picture dear Julie
amazing vivid colours and great point of view
congrats my dear
have a nice day!


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/9/2008
Thank you so much Anne!


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 7/9/2008
Excellent .


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/9/2008
You just made me blush Bruce :)
Thank you so much for your kind comment.
Kind regards,


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/9/2008
Thank you Peter!


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/9/2008
Glad you like it dear Mary. Thank you very much for taking the time to comment.


Bruce Wertz   {K:2553} 7/9/2008
Great shot Julie. I love your work Bruce


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 7/8/2008
Nice combination of buildings and yellow umbrella !


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 7/8/2008
This is quite a different than usual perspective of the Tower. Creative and effective composition. The vibrant colours add the the enjoyment of this image.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
Hello dear Nicki, I wasn't laying on the floor but knealing down :)
I am so glad you like it. I have had two iced coffees today, it is hot in my office :/
Thank you very much for your kind comment my dear friend.
Big hugs,


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
Glad you like it Aziz.
Thank you so much!


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
Thank you so much my dear friend Arif.
You're always so kind :)
Big hug and kiss.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
I am so glad you like it dear Paul.
Thank you so much!


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 7/8/2008
WOOOOW...were you lying on the floor my dear Julie???...LOL...fantastic perspective,very nice colors and a great composition.A fantastic capture my dear friend!!
Sleep well...until your first cup of coffee..LOL!!!
Big warm hugs,


aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 7/8/2008
So nice shot, mix of abstract and architecture !
I like it.


Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 7/8/2008
amazing colours and depth!!
very well composed with a great pov!!!
compliments my dear july!
hugs and kisses,


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 7/8/2008
Fantastic dear Julie how you managed to produce the "alias" pattern in the sun screen. It looks like under sampling of its natural raster with a new raster texture as result. Wonderful. A pleasure to look at. Many hugs from Paul


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
Thank you so much my dear friend. Glad you like it!!
Un beso,


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 7/8/2008
Very good capture, dear Julie. Great composition and beautiful colors.

un beso,


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
Before you make fun of me, I meant to say hugs and kisses and NOT bugs and kisses...hahahahahaha!


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
That is the original shot my dear friend :)
No cropping done, just some minor adjustments on PS :)

I highly doubt Dan would lay on the floor to get the angle he suggested, he couldn't even get on his knee for one of his shots..hahaha!

I always appreciate your feedback my dear friend. Thank you very much!
Big hug and kiss,


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
Thank you so much Stan. I am glad you like it!
Have a good night!
Julie :)


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
I would have to be laying on the floor for that Dan and there was no way I was going to do that wearing a brand new outfit :) beauty first my dear...hahahaha!
I am glad you like it dear Dan, thank you for feedback. Always appreciated!
Bugs and kisses,


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 7/8/2008
Magnificent teach. Perfect exposure. Great pov and crop. Would have been quite tricky to try and do what picky Dan suggested. Have to see the original as to whether the tower was going to stay in its place. lol. Have a great night my dear friend. Hugs xxx Keith:)


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/8/2008
Really like the textures and POV on this Julie. Great composition and angles. the colors are nice as well.
Be well, Stan


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
Me alegra tu comentario mi querido amigo.
Un abrazo,


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment Milos.
Kind regards,


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
Thank you very much dear Michele. I am so glad you like it :)
Big hug and kiss,


Dan Wilson Dan Wilson   {K:21104} 7/8/2008
Very nice dear Julie, I really like the perspective, maybe I think if the shooting angle was a touch lower the buildings would be in full view, just me being a picky :-). I love every other aspect of this shot. hugs and kisses, Dan


David Rodriguez David Rodriguez   {K:11965} 7/8/2008
EXCELENTE!!!! inmejorable composicion, hermosos colores.
Una gran calidad de imagen! Muy buena foto Julie!


Milos Rancic Milos Rancic   {K:2919} 7/8/2008
very nice shot,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 7/8/2008
Cool angles, shapes, colors, and depth - I love your city 'abstracts' dear Julie !!! Great crop once again !!!
big Hugs, and kiss,


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/8/2008
Thank you so much Jerzy. Your comments are always appreciated and welcomed.
My best,


Jerzy Bartkowski Jerzy Bartkowski   {K:3768} 7/8/2008
great photo. 7+++




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