Golaleh Raisi
{K:1053} 6/27/2008
thanks mr surajit.
Surajit Mukerji
{K:3889} 6/26/2008
wonderful tabletop. nice lighting. regards.
Golaleh Raisi
{K:1053} 6/8/2008
Mr kamran:mamnonam az shoma.
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 6/7/2008
nice moody shot , very well done ,Afareen
ensieh akbari
{K:1076} 6/3/2008
salam . mersi ke umadi . didi va comment gozashti . movafagh bashi
Golaleh Raisi
{K:1053} 6/3/2008
mamnonan az lotfetan ostad. va taabire ziba va delneshine ke az negahetan sarcheshme migirad.
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 6/3/2008
All things tell that you've combined your idea very well. warm tone and scatter spot light are the things make it wonderful and likeable. keep up good captures Golale!
Golaleh Raisi
{K:1053} 6/2/2008
thanks alot dear siamak.
siamak jafari
{K:20075} 6/2/2008
excellent image dear golaleh. siamak.