Mitra Nademi-Nassari
{K:28234} 9/13/2008
This is an awesome found and capture, Muhamed. So funny! :) Looks great in B&W.
solmaz sarabi
{K:129} 4/4/2008
خرابه اي كه داراي دو عنصراست. ادمي در حال كار كردن و الاغي كه در اطاقكي قرار گرفته مانند سرپناه گويي جاي عناصرتغييركرده در اين عكس الاغ بيشتر به چشم ميايد هم به خاطر فضاي تيره پشت سرش هم درمركز قرار گرفتنش ديوارهاي اجري پشت ان بافتي ايجاد كرده كه از يكنواختي بيرون امده ولي خطوط برق اضافه هستند.
1301307 60
{K:44058} 3/30/2008
This was an opportunity for a great photograph had you took care in capturing it. I think there was a camera shake here, too bad it is not sharp. This can be learned, so next time do be careful. This happens to me also when opportunity slips away because I'm careless, sometimes i'm in the wrong camera setting...:) good eye to spot this story.. regards..
muhamed rekabi
{K:182} 3/25/2008
Thak you Aida for your comment
aida allam
{K:2265} 3/25/2008
Nice B&w shot,well done Mohamed.........Aida
muhamed rekabi
{K:182} 3/23/2008
thank you dear chelsea for your useful comment.i do agree with croping
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 3/22/2008
Nothing like having a "supervisor" looking over your shoulder. Great humour shot. I'm wanting to crop the top part of the doorway off to focus in more on the donkey and the man.