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Image Title:  Flight
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 By: Tim  Schumm  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Tim  Schumm  Tim  Schumm {Karma:29196}
Project #56 Wildlife and Insects Camera Model Nikon D300
Categories Wildlife
Film Format sandisk 8 gig extreme
Portfolio Sea adventures
Wildlife Images
Lens Nikon 18-200mmVR
Uploaded 3/3/2008 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 523 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 8 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Pacific Ocean
Country - Canada   Canada
About I managed to be on the ferry going from Vancouver to Victoria today and thought i would try out the auto focus of the new D300. The D80 had a difficult time locking on at all on similar types of situations which was frustrating. I have to say the auto focus for the D300 was wicked fast although not always perfect. The percentage of success was far and above the D80 though...awesome camera so far!
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There are 8 Comments in 1 Pages
Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 3/14/2008
Hi Francisco,
I just breezed through town on the way up Island to Ucuelet and Tofino as well as dropping off some new paintings into the Winchester Gallery in Oak Bay. Now I am no my way back to Alberta....will be back soon and will drop you a line then.
Cheers, Tim


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 3/10/2008
Hi Kess

the D300 came out a few months ago and is a big step up in some ways from D80 particularly if you want to print larger images. It has larger files by far with a faster and more accurate auto focus which at times i found frustrating with the D80. Also the CCD has a antidust feature vibrates and it is antistatic so the the particles are less likely to glom on to it. It is not a full size sensor yet and that is coming in the near future for sure...I keep saying this is the last body! But who am i kidding. I just feel lucky i can sell the old body while it is still worth something. The D300 is heavier because it has a metal body and is more dust and moisture proof. I really would rather a good quality plastic that is lighter. As it seems changing bodies is so frequent these days that a long lasting body is a mute point, I don't own a body long enough to wear it out. I have not had time to play with it yet much so i can't say how much better it is yet. Although i will be on the west coast in Ucuelet shooting ocean stuff in a few days to see how this baby compares. Ohhhhh yeah the D300 uses the compact flash card so having to go back to those from SDHC is a piss off and even with a 8 gig card shooting raw i can only get 350 images on it. The menu on this puppy is 3 times bigger the D80 with options u need a degree to figure out....I am sure most of it will have some clarity over time as the acronyms get figured out.


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 3/9/2008
Hi Tim!

What the hey, a new gun???

I'm kinda out of the loop, so tell me, what's a nice camera like that doing with a guy like you? No, really, no idea about the D300. Is it full size on the sensor? CCD or that other...uh, can't think of it.

Nice bird, very clear, not distractions and well lit on the bottom. A gull I guess.

Got a fresh snow last night, clouds are breaking now. I haven't touched the d80 in awhile - got a little canon point and shoot thingy - but you are my inspiration...gonna get out and shoot something NOW. up all nite tho, dang tired. :( well ok, if the kids don't want to make sculpy clay marbles then the d80 and i go hiking, lol. feet are gonna get wet and cold. hate that. :)

will be looking forward to seeing the d300 shots! How much $ ? Heavy?


Francisco N-G   {K:28728} 3/6/2008
Great shot! Nothing more entertaining than standing on the upper decks shooting gulls!

Send me a note if you're around town!




Lugal  Sar Lugal  Sar   {K:4838} 3/5/2008
very good...


Kerry Statham   {K:3678} 3/4/2008
The combination seems to work well Tim... Nicely done.


Robert Chin   {K:22282} 3/4/2008
Congrats on the D300 Tim!!!
Nice capture with lovely wing position and colors.I couldn`t have done better!!LOL!!
With a max of 200mm you did a great job.
Take care
Sticking to IR now since you doing BIF!!!


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 3/3/2008
Congrats on the new camera, Tim, and you got a nice shot of the gull!




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