Carlos Gutierrez
{K:1805} 3/11/2008
Hola Txules
Que tal? Gracias por los comentarios de las fotos, estaba viendo de nuevo las series que has puesto, me llama siempre la atencion que llegas con casi todas a que parezcan escenarios de teatro, incluso en las más tristes consigues una escenificación curiosa. Con tu 30d utilizas mucho el Iso 3200? a mi me gusta el grano que hace en b&n, en colo queda muy mal. tambien lo que me gusta en tus fotos es que siempre estas en el instante decisivo, como en esta foto, donde la figura del perro hace ver que detras de la camara hay un buen fotografo con paciencia!!
txules .
{K:62768} 3/2/2008
hahaha Harry, the rule is no rules, but i tell you one thing i hate titles because i'm not good with titles and i hate notes because my non-fluent english; in any case I'll never use same title twice for the same picture because it depends on my mood; sometimes i've seen a clear title for one of my works, this is the case; Put the title yourself, i do not care :) jd
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 3/2/2008
Nice mexican yellow and lovely sky. Not HDR but close to it. PS, why do you use a title here, this image can be interpreted in many ways. The title is in contradition with your filosophy. Porque cabballero, no entienes.
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 2/29/2008
Wow, Txules, you found the holy grail! :) Love the rich color and of courst the dog.
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 2/28/2008
Has a nice xross process feel to this one, almost desolate. I like.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 2/28/2008
Excellent! The dog 'makes' it!
luis pereira
{K:26013} 2/28/2008
Great catch. Ssome days I would call "paradise in yellow". The contrast of the building and the sky works wonders.
Name Surname
{K:3712} 2/28/2008
What an amazing angry sky..Nice capture! Davide.
John Pitman
{K:8473} 2/28/2008
Very nice and crisp.
{K:70138} 2/27/2008
ohhhh YESSSS.... BIG time !! :) :)
Michael Schuier
{K:4804} 2/27/2008
Beautiful colors and mood. Great shot. Michael
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/27/2008
hope the dog does not dear Txules!!! :) excellent capture!!!! moody and beautiful!!! fine colors and great clarity!!!! bravo all the best MArian
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 2/27/2008
Fantastic atmosphere in this street,the dog add great interesting. Well done TX.