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Sunny SprayWave
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Image Title:  Sunny SprayWave
Favorites: 0 
 By: Jen van Wijn  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Jen van Wijn  Jen van Wijn {Karma:24075}
Project #30 Water Camera Model Olympus SP-550UZ
Categories Seascapes
Film Format Digital JPEG
Portfolio Lens fixed
Uploaded 2/7/2008 Film / Memory Type Olympus XD 256
    ISO / Film Speed 80
Views 483 Shutter 1/500
Favorites Aperture f/4.5
Critiques 20 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City -  Melkbos Capetown
Country - South Africa   South Africa
About Melkbosstrand has beautiful views, because its mostly windy there, I am not a surfer myself, too old:) But its great to watch, just like the wild sea...i could have been a mermaid! Please some critiques!
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There are 20 Comments in 1 Pages
Sethu S Sethu S   {K:1243} 3/25/2008
Great shot full of energy..I enjoyed looking your amazing portfolio. Thanks for sharing.


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 3/2/2008
Same I have John, its great to just try out with backlight, sometimes even right into the sun, makes rare shots, sometimes good and amazing, but thats my idea..loll This was extremely stormy weather, hard to hold the camera still! Thanks for even looking at this amateur's work! xxJen


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 3/2/2008
I love to take shots with backlight support and so here, the sunlight hit the wave from the back and makes the waterspray to looks FANTASTIC!!! exctremely good focus Jen... the tiny dots of the water looks very sharp and clear!!!


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 2/24/2008
I dont know how you could improve it Jen. I like the way you have captured the spray and the light on it. Cool shot. Lets hang 10 lol.Hugs. Keith


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/19/2008
Morning AJ. Still want to reply on your note:) Maybe age isnt relevant, but as I tried doing it, i know its very difficult when you're not really grown up with surfing..also the point is that you really have to take care about other people! Saw some nasty accidents, these boards can cause a lot of trouble! Maybe you should teach me one day...xxJen


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/10/2008
And as for surfing, Jen, age is totally irrelevant. The only reason I live in Tarifa is for the windsurfing. I was born in the wrong half of the last century, and there are many older than I am surfing here.



AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/10/2008
Your response is much appreciated, Jen. It's always difficult to judge whether people really want critiques or just nice words. I try to do a bit of both...



Poorya Younesi Poorya Younesi   {K:2602} 2/8/2008
Very Very Nice Shot


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 2/8/2008
Old lady !!!
Come on !!!! I don't see any old lady here !!!:)))
I said to my self : I'll be old when I lost all my dreams !!!Actually I'll be already dead then!!
And I am sure you are the same my dear:))


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/8/2008
Thanks Erland, I have to listen to my teachers, will try better next time:) Enjoy your day, xx Jen


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/8/2008
Thanks love, appreciate your comments a lot!! don't want to know...loll
I really think its embarresing to show, they won't take me seriously anymore,
looking at an old lady bodysurfing..loll
The board took me over in stead of the other way round, swollowed a lot of seawater..*hips*
xx Jen


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 2/8/2008
This one is just amazing my dear Jen !!!
Spectacular !!!I love it:)
big hug my dear

ps Why you don't want to show us your picture of body surf ;))


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 2/8/2008
Great light and color


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/7/2008
Ps. AJ I did try the body surfing, won't show you the it felt really like being too old, my muscels next! Jen


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/7/2008
Thank you Robin, I see my wave is too pixelled,
must have been the the reducing too, files are
too big, will try different next time!
The iso was 80, for more see up, will work on this, txs Jen


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/7/2008
Thank you AJ for your critiques,
I really learn from this, need some
respons and reflection, specially as
an amateur! You have a lot of great
work yourself, lots to see, txs! Jen


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 2/7/2008
Dinámica e impactante, bueno el contraluz.


Robin Sanderse Robin Sanderse   {K:2545} 2/7/2008
Hi Jen,

This photo payed my attention, because it's a beauty!
The movement and the light refection is autstanding.
I wonder whaet the iso setting was? The wave is pixellated, but the forground is pretty sharp..
Great shot indeed!


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/7/2008
Never too old to surf, Jen!

I like the spray off the top of the wave and the light is excellent.

You ask for critiques and there's a couple of things that come to mind. The wave itself is a little mushy, but I guess you couldn't help that! But to keep things balanced, you might perhaps consider cropping out the little wave right at the bottom of the image. And for some reason the spray looks a little pixellated. This could have occurred during uploading. Alternatively, you might have slightly oversharpened the image or not had the camera on the highest JPEG setting?

Hope this helps...



Gavin McCully   {K:120} 2/7/2008
nice one Jen x




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