City - Near Dunhuang State - GANSU Country - China
Located in northwest China, the strangely-shaped Gansu Province is largely desert. This is really a part of China of great historical significance, the old Silk Road ran through here, and many remnants of the Great Wall can be found in this area as well.
The best part about it, in my opinion, is its one part of China where you can get away from the crowds.
Hi Tim. I had several other desert photos that looked fine in colour, so I thought I'd try this in black and white, and I was pleased with the results. In fact, I'm planning on doing more photos in black and white now, particularly photos of older parts of some cities and towns here in China. I think that kind of setting looks better without colour.
Wow! amazing landscape captured... Have been telling a friend about your photos of china, he ask me what are you doing there, yes I ask too... great patterns, good for the project.. alone,! were you? :) regards...