Dan TDFoto
{K:8618} 5/15/2009
HAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE THE HUMOUR!! hahaha :) Well shot!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 10/31/2007
Of course I would do a hoodoo. Who wouldn't do a hoodoo? And a hoodoo with the mostest? Well, I would most definitely do do that hoodoo.
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 10/31/2007
(nope, word cen-sor didn't like that one either) try, try again.
whoa, hold on just a minute... it's as ha-rd as a rock and in some circles is called a rock... but please tell me you are not a rac-ist who wouldn't dare do a hoodoo... it's the hoodoo with the mostest. No, that didn't come out right.
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 10/31/2007
*drags suitcases back upstairs, heartbroken*
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 10/31/2007
Yuppers Miss R... the "rock" isn't a rock... it is actually called a Hoodoo in geologic terms... just thought I'd better clarify that lest I get busted for the thought crime of being a stuffie predator.
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 10/31/2007
[tsk] I hope not, coz I already have packed suitcases...
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 10/31/2007
Oooooh ... he better be talking about the geological "rock" climbing. (-;
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 10/31/2007
Right, now you have me wondering (dreaming/fantasising, take your pick) if you're talking about the rock...
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 10/31/2007
Upskirt shots of the spidey and the genester! Hey, you shoulda sent him this way, I've got a big old hard hoodoo he can climb!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 10/30/2007
Plenty of time Ian! Will get LJ to call you today too. Be sure to let him know if you'll be wanting any accessories!
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 10/30/2007
God that's clever.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 10/30/2007
Girlie you there? No computer at the moment -hence no email adress and someone just told me it's wednesday and my weddings start on saturday week. Hold the phone hold the phone. It IS wednesday but it's not november yet. O.K. saturday 17th wedding one saturday 24th wedding two. Saturday two weeks. Two weeks saturday. twenty days. Enough time? Scuse that panic glitch. Night shift. While I'm here - At Mum and Dads there is a yellow and pink book called "rip it up and start again" that I left for l.j.. Do either of us imagine he will be arsed to search for it? He really needs to read it. Also he doesn't need but I strongly recommend he haul a to the puddle gig at the kings arms on the fifth. Otis Mace (guitar ace)and Mathew Bannister(husband house) in support. Dunedins finest. Well that's what I've been needing to say. Love on ya.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 10/20/2007
Whoa! I thought I was over the worst of my fear of heights, but after seeing you in your jump...so high!...I'm scared again! I may have to buy a harness or leash for you, lil guy...lol.
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 10/3/2007
Hehehe, pity Gene didn't go with you Rog, his innocence would surely be lost by now!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 10/3/2007
S'okay Doyle, s'okay! I didn't get wet... much.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 10/1/2007
stick with me on this one say the spider to the fly
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 9/30/2007
* GAK *
What the . . .
Oh Sheeeesh! I'd feel safer knowing Gene was with Spidey but after the comment shot . . . well . . . my heart's in my throat!!! He's too lil for this kind of shenanigans!! I TOLD you you had to keep an eye on him!!! I don't think Gene can swim so I have to wonder how the pool helps after such a fall. Oh man! He's building some memories with you guys!!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
{K:70138} 9/24/2007
GENE !!!!!!!!!!.. I mean, I can understand about Spidey, but hey.. you should think twice mate !!.. Looking at this makes me dizzy !! (better go and have a cool drink !)
C ya later, pal !! Cheers !
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 9/24/2007
Gravity? What is this gravity?? And where is your disguise? You have clearly violated Intergalactic Law: Rule 601, Section 2, Subsection D, Subsubsection MMDCLXIII of the "How To Interact With Humans On A Daily Basis" Code, specifically addresses the importance of remaining incognito! Go back to you ship and have a little think about it.
Sheesh... young ones today...
Long Live UFOs!!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 9/24/2007
Thanks for the visit Partha! Yes, it is Spiderman. He's showing our little world traveller, Gene, around Auckland City. Cheers!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 9/23/2007
Of course my lips Gayle! How else could I be hanging on given the stitchuation with my arms...? Don't worry, we'll go to the Space Needle the next time I come visit you and Rivvie. Hugs, Gene.
**Can't give away all my secrets babe. Let's just say that observation decks are typically glassed... ;)
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 9/23/2007
Aly, I'd love to see your pics. Let me know when you have them up. Sounds as though we are like-minded. Or just plain weird. I like to think of myself as weird ;P Hey, thanks for all the great comments! Fantastic to see that the Spidey series is still getting an appreciating looksee. Cheers!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 9/23/2007
Thank you for the visit Alicia, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 9/23/2007
Thank you so much Gustavo! :)
A. Lien
{K:153} 9/23/2007
So cool! You got to go climbing (and jumping -- is that what they call Base Jumping?). I've tried some climbing here on Earth, but I'm a little frightened of the gravity, so I haven't tried base jumping. A.Lien
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 9/23/2007
your lips???...okey dokey...glad you got to climb this tower since we never made it to the Seattle Space Needle...i kinda think Spidey wanted a chance to show off since he has done this more than a few times...hehehe
*great shot,Cookie!...this makes up for me not taking him to the Space Needle...now,that other shot in the coms is beyond kewL !!!...how did ya pull that one off? Am bowing down to ya for that shot,gurL ;) :) ;) :) cheers,gayle
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 9/23/2007
Hi Rina, Awsome angle. So adventerous.Looks like a spider man. Partha
aly nelson
{K:704} 9/23/2007
:) Great concept! I have some pics like this..I should post them on here too...I have a set of Spidey helping out with the various stage crew positions for a concert that we did at school last semester :)
Great angle. Nice vibrant colors!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 9/23/2007
Genial perspectiva y encantadora composición! Felicitaciones!!!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 9/23/2007
Simpática idea y muy buen punto de vista. Felicitaciones!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 9/23/2007
 :D |