deniz kaan copur
{K:12726} 2/6/2004
very well done.
deniz kaan copur
{K:12726} 2/6/2004
very well done.
Peter Gulbinat
{K:454} 5/15/2003
Very nice waterfall shot. Dramatic effect! Have a look at mine if you want
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 5/14/2003
This is a beautiful image,Suzanne,thanks to your nice composition and the effect created by cleverly using the neutral density filter.I think that it would be more interesting in colour,though.
Alex Uchôa
{K:18547} 5/14/2003
wonderfull effect and very criative option for the BW. Congrats.
David Harvey
{K:284} 5/11/2003
Excellent use of long exposure.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 5/10/2003
like a surfacing fountain amidst hard rocks : thanks for the effect and thanks for showing : a very lasting and great picture :)
Britt Park
{K:2210} 5/10/2003
This is very strong. The long exposure makes the water surreal, which contrasts with the solid sharpness of the rocks. I think the picture wants to be a little more high key. But that may just be an artifact of viewing on a monitor. Thanks for posting this.
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 5/10/2003
Wonderful composition, Suzanne. The low speed shot gave the perfect flow effect to the water. Congrats! ..... Lucas
Andrea gronn
{K:16} 5/10/2003
Mark Jacobs
{K:111} 5/10/2003
This is an excellent shot. I absolutely love the effect that is created in the water. The only thing that breaks the mood of the scene is the highlight creaping in on the top left. I think if this were burned in to match the tonality of the rock on the right side, it would balance the shot out perfectly. Well done!
Konstantinos Tsagarakis
{K:669} 5/10/2003
excellent - low ss effect!Beautiful!