City - San Pedro de Atacama State - EL LOA (ANTOFAGASTA) Country - Chile
Momia perteneciente a la cultura Atacameña, aproximadamente del año 450 de nuestra época, se exhibe, junto a otras y un sinnumero de utensilios y tejidos encontrados en el desierto de Atacama, en el Museo Antropológico del Padre Le Peige de San Pedro de Atacama perteneciente a la Universidad del Norte (llamada actualmente "de Tarapacá"). Foto tomada en precarias condiciones, con iluminación ambiental y a través del vidrio de la vitrina protectora.
Gracias, Alicia, y ciertamente no sé cómo me pudieron salir las fotos que saqué en el museo. Afortunadamente había en la tienda del mismo museo un rollo de película de 400 asa en B/N y... con un poco de paciencia, el resto ya se ve.
Primitive inhabitans of Northen Chile, mostly a desert area, needed to adapt themselves to these arid conditions. They settled over 8.000 years ago in places where they could find some moisture coming from the thaw of the ice in the Andes chain. this scarce humidity enabledt hem to grow what was basic for their small communities to survive. One of the prime needs as a human group being to bury their dead. they did so not in pre built tombs but right into a hole in the arid soil where they placed their dead's personal belongings. Due to the extreme dryness of the soil, bodies mummified a natural proces and their preservation depended on the altitude of the place where they were buried. Thus, many mimmies have been found in different places and scientific research has helped to rebuild the history of thesepeople. This picture is that a young woman. It is dated about 450 A.C. I hope to have given you a rough idea as an answer to your question, Fadel 3. Kind regards, Rafa.