Meg Metcalfe
{K:6114} 6/12/2007
Thanks April.
How you doing?
April the 1st
{K:24} 6/11/2007
This looks like a cozy and inviting shop, very nice photo Meg.
Meg Metcalfe
{K:6114} 6/4/2007
Thank you Michel.....I shall try my very best. ~~Grin~~
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174163} 6/3/2007
Whether or not you are settled by then, you will enjoy that so much, I am sure!:)
Meg Metcalfe
{K:6114} 6/3/2007
Thank you Shirley. I just hope we are settled by September as our grandaughter is getting married then... :))
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174163} 6/3/2007
A charming photo of her lovely shop, dear Meg! I am so happy for you!:)
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 6/3/2007
I'd be doing the same thing and I know YOU will be sooooo happy... after you get settled of course :)))
Meg Metcalfe
{K:6114} 6/3/2007
Thank you Jan, her shop is very attractive and Cathy does have a gift of making nothing look like something special....I don't know where she got that from. :))
Meg Metcalfe
{K:6114} 6/3/2007
Oh No! I'm haveing none of that JD....I shall from now on be a lady of leasure, I've done all the working I intend to do. :))
Meg Metcalfe
{K:6114} 6/3/2007
Thank you so much Michele. Two daughters, three grandchildren and two Spanish Son-in-laws out there, so you can see the pull... :))
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 6/2/2007
A very warm and inviting looking place. Excellent colors. --Regards, Jan
txules .
{K:62768} 6/2/2007
so you will be a bussines-womanĦĦĦ, nice picture and shop Meg...jd
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 6/2/2007
Beautiful and 'COLORFUL' dear Meg....ahhaaaa Now I understsand a bit more about your move to Spain :)) I am sooooo happy for You ! You r daughter has a lovely and creative curtain shop ... I am very impressed !!!7/7
Best wishes, Michele~