Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 8/16/2007
LOL NIck... all AOK!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/31/2007
Aniko, before getting any further, I admit that I am so direct and often also insulting only to people I like. It is strange if not quite £&%ç*-stupid of mine, I know, and this has to do with my own wish to not lie around and try to be "politically correct", as the usual signs of times demand. So, I just imagine, when writing to you or to anybody else here, that we, all of us, *are* able to just sit down on a warm summer evening, have a nice cool one (a warm whisky for me please! ;-)), and just say whatever our minds might produce, under the silent premise of still knowing that we *will* terribly disagree, we *will* see things differently, we *will* say things that somebody else doesn't like. This is to me the direct sincerity that eliminates such things like talking behind each other's backs, but of course at the price of many additional "word fights" that I am sure have their value *because* they are uncomfortable.
My thoughts were not directed personally to you, but rather to all of us here, and I can only try to make my thoughts considering what I see, which of course *is* only a limited part of some assumed truth. So still I wonder what we are all doing, I question us, and thus myself too at the very first place. (I like me and that's why I am not comfortable to myself, you see.) Or what did you think? That I assume myself to be the only "real teacher" here? Gosh, I must be the most incomplete person around.
Now, whatever I think, and thus also write, perhaps it should be better taken as the incorrectable habit of a middleage man (in the best case! ;-)) who still assumes that you and everybody around will rather laugh at my limited views, and would just say, "Nick, you don't know what you're talking about", as you more or less did, and for which I am very grateful.
Because, Aniko, after all, I have the impression that too much false politeness that targets some always "easy" consideration of our work is the best way to stagnation. Critisism, Aniko, critisism will not allow us to rest!
Well, I am still extremely interested in matters of photography, and so I do overestimate the value of any explanations, it seems. That's perhaps another one of the countless mistakes that define me. Either extreme interest, or no interest at all.
Just have to go back to work too, since the guys want their results yesterday! ;-)
Anyway, I would be glad to hear from you. Don't you ever hesitate even destroying my "photographic work" in public! ;-)
Stay well,
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 7/30/2007
Nick... please do not try my patience any longer.
When I say I have neither the time nor inclination, I mean it. I am not always in UF and not everyone in UF is here to write 20 essays on the same subject! I am working night shift as a manager on 2 other sites. I am tired, and pop in here as I can.
Please stop assuming things about me, like who I am, what I do and do not do. I assure you I am not in UF for "ohs" and "ahs" and do not receive as many as you might think I do!
Tiredness and overwork have a tendancy to make me a tad "grumpy". Further aggravations such as people telling me what I have to do in UF in order to be taken seriously, well... please!!!!!!! If you persist in goading me, I shall stop replying to you.
I knock off work in around half an hour and then I might finally get a few hours sleep (hopefully)before the next load of my LIFE, of which you have no idea; and again I have no time nor inclination to tell you about. OK?
Ciao! Aniko
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/30/2007
Most of all I enjoy answers that deserve the name, Aniko.
I find the result very nice too, but I want to know what happened and not "explanations" like "selective PS work", that in this case doesn't say much since it doesn't contribute to the answer of the question about the face itself.
Which, in combination with the usual "I don't have the time nor the inclination... etc, etc" that I often read here, is enough to make me raise the question if this perhaps isn't a forum of those who *are* inclided and thus *do* have the time to deal with such aspects of photography. If this is not the case, then could it be that there is more inclination towards self-representation and enjoyment for receing all the "ohs" and the "ahs"????
Who wants to be taken seriously in some matters, *has* to deal seriously with these matters.
As about analysis, well, when optics/physics can say something here too. There has to be a considerable amount of soft focus blur due to the very fact of the very low "echos" and "ghosts" (pixel replication) from the optical trajectory of the face onto itself, and also due to the fact of amplified light refraction on the contours. Which is very interesting since it reveals yet another possible way to achieve such results.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 7/30/2007
Ah Nick!
But you enjoy the "sport", don't you? :)
However you perceive it, analyse it and so forth, it IS motion blur, and I happen to rather like the result which was planned by this dedicated photographer. Perhaps what you are not seeing is the selective PS work... and no, Nick... I have no time nor inclination to go into the exact procedure. :)
Cheers! Aniko :)
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/30/2007
Hmmmm... ??? :-/
After a long and in depth going analysis of the photo, I am not really convinced. Further analysis will tell me what was going on. It simply doesn't look like pure motion blur to anybody that cared to deal with photography in a dedicated and consequent manner. There is definitely a focus blur on this too, which certainly has to happen in case of motion towards to or away from the camera. Perhaps that's not a big deal to many, but after all one must know how to achieve wishable results. And this turns *understanding* of what one has done to a very very important part of it.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 7/29/2007
Yes, Nick :)
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/29/2007
But just the tiny amount that is already perceptible, but without long traces and ghosts, many I guess?
Best wishes,
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 7/28/2007
It is motion blur Nick.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/24/2007
I don't know if a sharp focus would fit the wild cat better, Aniko, I really can't say. Maybe I just want to see her beautiful face more exactly, who knows? But here there is something of that kind of softness udner which the female protagonists were filmed in the 20's-40's. Very interesting to see that under these conditions the shines get so complimenting, and I must say that I do feel nostalgic about such techniques of photography and video that aren't used so often any more. But for me it doesn't look like motion but rather like focus blur. There are no "stripes" visible, no ghosts, no other motion traces. May I assume that your shutter speed was not as slow for letting them appear on the image?
Best wishes,
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 7/14/2007
Ani daaaaahlink....flattery will get you everywhere! LOL
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 7/14/2007
I will eventually get round to mapping your chart... and before even doing so I can tell you that you are sexy and funny and creative and all manner of wonderful things! :)
LOL! Yes... I am sure Dave Arnold wants to get into your shower.... ROFLOL! :)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 7/14/2007
Born on a Friday 13th?!!! Well certainly fits with the cat thing we have going here! LOL Was born in Bendigo, Victoria.
Any make-shift studio will do me (as if I have a choice!!)...Liz Wallis has dubbed my new bathroom renovation a studio, and it seems Dave Arnold is quite taken with the need to hire it for himself, actually, I think he just wants to get into my shower!!! B
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 7/14/2007
BTW... this shot was made in a makeshift stuido... :) :) :) I feel that if one can "make" a studio, it is a studio! Does THAT make sense??? :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 7/14/2007
Thanks for your support Beks... :)
Yes, you do make sense.
Yes, I like Astrology... so where were you born? (Need to map it out with latitude and longitude...) And hey! We were both born on a Friday! Hehehe... Not Friday the 13th... That was my sister, who was born on Friday the 13th of January... (A useless piece of trvia... lol..)
Hugs~ Ani :)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 7/14/2007
Too much Photoshopping!!! PFFFFT!!! Yeah aaaaanyway... RRRROARRR! Here kitty kitty kitty. Love the hair, the backilighting is great, you certainly did capture the cat caught stalking feel (does that make sense??!).
Soooo, you like astrology...hmmmm. What does this tell you....born 6/9/74 at 11:25 a.m. (a Friday)....make sure there is something in there about being funny and sexy and wonderful LOL!
Ok, off to see more of your fab shots, Beks
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 7/14/2007
With all due respect Dave... Your comment "Too much Photoshopping" is not in any way in my opinion "constructive ctriticism"... especially since I hardly touched this image in photoshop at all! No effects, just a darkened of what was already a dark background, a crop of the image and covert to gray scale from an already B&W print that was scanned in RGB. I really have no idea what on earth you are talking about? Please, when leaving comments and marking people down for you seeming lack of knowledge and understanding, think first! Thank you. Aniko
z z
{K:51} 7/14/2007
Too much Photoshopping...
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 7/5/2007
Thanks so much Jo!
Another Leo Lady, art thou??? LOL! I am a July Leo. I am also a professional astrologer. :)
Recommended reading? I like Derek and Julia Parker's "The Compleat Astrologer" as a good beginner's book. I used to teach astrology and that was the one I recommended to all my students. (I am not keen on the equal house system they use... but that's no biggy... I prefer Koch house division.) My copy of the book is rather an old edition and I believe the latest edition is remarkable... much improved. You can pick it up I am sure second hand somewhere... I have picked up several copies over the years for friends, family and students so they did not have to pay full price. Any editon is a good edition! The 1990 publication I believe is the last. If you can get that one, please do!!! :)
As for this image... glad you like it. And Lady Leo... fluff up your mane and strut your stuff! :) :) :)
Hugs~ Aniko :)
Joanna Lamb
{K:3796} 6/21/2007
Very nice shot (and yes good whacky! :-) ) dear Aniko! I was attracted to this as I'm an August Leo with a big mane too! lol! (straightened in my pic!) Just reading comments and fascinated re astrology. Any recommended reading for a beginner?! (or is that for another site?!) Cheers m'dear, Jo
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 5/31/2007
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/31/2007
Likewise Dear Shirley. The moon gets to me...
Often the full moon also makes me sleepless... but then again, I am mostly an insomniac (as you know) regardless of whether the moon is full, pink, purple, blue or green cheese! ~LOL~
:) :) :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/31/2007
Thank you Dear Yazeed!
You are kind.
Best Wishes, Aniko :)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 5/31/2007
You're welcome, dear Aniko!:) August 19th...can't remember what time of day I was born...need to ask Mom again. Yes, the full moon always makes me more emotional...
M jalili
{K:69009} 5/31/2007
Really like a cat dear. Very beautiful portrait and very good lighting work. Thank you …..
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/31/2007
Hiya Dave!
It sure does look like one of those big old Lion manes... especially in this shot, which is why I chose it above the others. I don't mind the slight movement here... I don't believe it detracts from the shot all that much...
Thanks Hon and Hugs! Ani :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/31/2007
Hi Nicki!
Thank you my SWEET friend Nicki!
Yes... her hair is amazing! One strong reason I so enjoy/ed photographing her. Completely natural that mane of her's! How superb it is! :)
Much Love and Warm Hugs~ Aniko :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/31/2007
Glad "wild and sensual" came across Dear Shirley! :)
Yes... I know you are a Leo... Late July or an August Leo???
And the way your strong Cancerian influence MIGHT have come about (in case you're interested), is if your were born say just before or around sunrise, it is likely that your Ascendant (or rising sign) is Cancer. Another way is that you might easily have either or both Mercuury and Venus in Cancer, as neither planet can move too far from the Sun... therefore it would not be any surprise to have these planets in the neighbouring sign of Cancer... literally right next door to Leo.
I have long studied astrology/astronomy and continue to do so... fascinating topic~!
Hugs~ Aniko :) PS: Watch for the rare Blue Full Moon... it is nearly here... @ 1:05am, 1st June GMT... :) :) :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/31/2007
Hi Paul!
I like your word... :) :) :) Most suitable!
Take care! Ani :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/31/2007
Thank you Jan... and you're welcome! Even blurry memories are good! ~LOL~
(This photo is actually from the mid to late '90's... :) But what is time anyways? :) :) :)
And I shall be posting a totally different image of this lady from the same shoot. It always fascinates me how many faces people have... There are already several images of this lady onsite here... Not necessarily from this shoot though... :)
Best to YOU! Aniko :)
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 5/31/2007
Certainly the perfect title, Aniko... looks like one of those big old Lion manes... meeoowwrrr...
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 5/30/2007
Excellent work dear Aniko!!She is a beautiful wild cat!!LOL!!!I like her hair very much. Greetings from Luxembourg my dear,Nicki;) 7/7
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 5/30/2007
Wild and sensual, dear Aniko. I am also a Leo with strong Cancer influence (can't remember how...was told a long time ago...)
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 5/30/2007
Yeah, I see the sharp/soft contrasts there. Nice felinicity (I just made that up) :)
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 5/29/2007
Aniko -- Back in the '60's I dated a lady that looked just like this. DeJa Vu!!! Thanks for the memories of the wild woman of Madison Wisconsin. :) :) Back then everything looked blurry to me anyways. (I like the picture, too). --Best to you, Jan
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/29/2007
Indeed Dear Srna... you are wise! :)
This lady and I used to be VERY close friends.... circumstances and literal physical distance have separated us to some extent. Contact is only occasional, and by telephone.
Time changes Life, as well you know.
Love to You... I must sleep... as for hot dreams... lol... perimenopause gives me hot flushes! :)
Hugs~ Aniko :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/29/2007
My Dear Marian!
Indeed she is beautifully wild... this model is a friend whom I have not been in physical contact with (sadly) for quite some time.
I admit I am a little envious of her wonderful natural "mane"... LOL! :) :) :) (I am a Leo with very ordinary mane... whereas this lady is a Cancerian! Hehehe...)
The Loving Best to YOU! Aniko :)
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 5/29/2007
She is as you are my dear Aniko :))))) Rest my darling :)))) Sweet and hot dreams ;))))) Love Srna
Marian Man
{K:80636} 5/29/2007
dear Aniko, your "cat" is so beautifully wild!!!!! fine backlight!!!! excellent work by you!!! I like it a lot!!! all the best Marian
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/29/2007
She is beautiful, Srna, yes???
Thank you my friend. She is showing in this image her 2 planets in Leo! (She is a Cancer Sun with Moon in Gemini... I felt "lucky" to have captured the Leo elements of her nature... )
It is now dawn. I am very tired... I have much to do far too soon. I must shut down and snatch a cat nap myself :) I am Leo Sun.. lol...
Loving Hugs and grateful thanks ~ Aniko :)
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 5/29/2007
Indeed like a cat dear Aniko :))))) Excellent done my dear :)))) Love Srna