Peter Tzagarakis
{K:1430} 7/6/2009
Armando, Thanks for the comment. It's very much appreciated.
Peter Tzagarakis
{K:1430} 7/6/2009
Hussam, I didn't realize you had commented on the photo. Thanks very much.
Armando Giambolini
{K:17779} 7/6/2009
Simply great this shot dear Peter !
That small red shed on the right makes this picture a masterpiece.
The brown field is an important complement for the whole .
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 7/31/2008
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Peter Tzagarakis
{K:1430} 7/31/2008
Thank you Luciano, for having a look. It's a different shot that might not appeal to everyone. I like the contrast between the late fall grape vines and apple trees against the bright red farm shack.
Luciano Guimarães
{K:691} 7/31/2008
I completely agree with Adam. The picture looks lika an impressionist image, nicely composed. Well done Peter!
Peter Tzagarakis
{K:1430} 10/7/2007
Thanks for the comments John. What your mentioned was what I was trying to capture here.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 10/6/2007
Excellent shot Peter, good clarity bothly foreground and background and well placed woody red building...plus strong contrast of the red color into the soft colors of the landscape. be well!
Peter Tzagarakis
{K:1430} 5/2/2007
Thanks Adam for the comments.
Adam Schiavone
{K:1215} 4/29/2007
Hard to believe no one has commented on this image.
The composition here is engaging and I love how the little red shed pops agains the muted browns.
Very nice, Peter!
Regards, Adam