Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 6/2/2007
Many Thanks Shelby...
Best Wishes to you and Much Appreciation for your taking time to view my images and comment.
I will find time as soon as possible to visit you!
Aniko :)
{K:6731} 6/2/2007
Wow what a special picture & powerful, important meaning to it. Great!
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/24/2007
Warm Thanks Sam!
Indeed... art for art's sake :)
Best Wishes, Aniko :)
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 5/21/2007
great piece of work... art for art's sake
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 5/12/2007
Thank you Amar for your kind comments.
I don't have much time these days to come into UF. I do hope that will change soon and I get the opportunity to participate more.
Best Wishes to you, Aniko :)
Amar Khoday
{K:748} 5/7/2007
Wonderful contrast in moods and expressions. Thanks for sharing the story.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 4/29/2007
Thank you for your extensive comments Bob!
Much appreciated. The darkness you speak of is both clothing and hair. The ladies both have dark hair and were wearing large collared black winter coats.
Thank you for your suggestion as to which project this might have best been suited to, but to me, it did not fit the outlined UF criteria for Poetry in Pictures. Other than that, I could only think to place it in personal style, as this is the type of art I create. However, I really do see your point and very much appreciate all your comments.
Best Wishes, Aniko :)
Bob Brins
{K:4130} 4/26/2007
I like the image, Aniko. Formally, the framing and the distant gray backgound in decending tonalities bring focus into the darkness of the hair (or garments?). We are then given to consider the faces, similar but different. One warmer, one more distant but joined enigmatically by the shared light. The image illustrates a formal principal that I once heard from a professional photographer: A picture should have an entrance but, no exit. The story is touching and without complete knowledge, also enigmatic. The only change that I'ld make would be to place it in the Poetry in Pictures project. Personal work can only be felt, not critiqued.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 4/24/2007
My dear Aniko:)I'm glad for that(I mean to your abouts) ...and you are so right....Life goes on.... hugs my dear friend biljana
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 4/24/2007
Thank you Dear Biljana!
I think sometimes I say too much, but perhaps have given up the "mask"...
We grieve... and Life goes on...
Loving Hugs~ Aniko :)
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 4/24/2007
Hi Aniko...you are always have very touching abouts....great picture my friend hugs biljana
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 4/24/2007
You are very welcome, my dearest Aniko!:)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 4/24/2007
Warm thanks Dear Yazeed...
My heartfelt best wishes to you, Aniko :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 4/24/2007
You are very sweet Monica!
Also kind, and I cannot express enough gratitude...
Thank you so much... Hugs to you, Aniko :)x
M jalili
{K:69009} 4/24/2007
Beautiful work. Like a dream . 7+++++++++
Monica Renaud
{K:719} 4/24/2007
That is so sad, and I was attracted to this image for it's beauty, then realised it was yours, a fav of mine, Great work and so sorry for the loss, Monica x
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 4/24/2007
Thank You my Dear Friend Shirley...
Both for your kind and thoughtful comments and your sweet caring post... beautiful!!! You are very sweet and highly appreciated...
Much Love, Aniko :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 4/24/2007
You see much Dear Onie....
Thank you for your high praise of perhaps (to my mind) an inadequate image...
However, we gotta do something! And behind this image there is more than a symbolic story, regarding the sadness and grief ... the girls... our friends... There is a literal connection between this image and that of the girls... However, it is inappropriate to tell the tale, Seemingly I speak in riddles... not really... This composite image was made a few years ago, altered by me after the girls "escaped"... I could have "used" any other image, created a different one as tribute... but there is a story within a story here and that I must keep "secret"... People will speculate and guess I KNOW... it is "human nature" to do so. I doubt that anyone will "guess" the true "connection".
Forgive me if I sound disturbed... I am not... I am actually being clear and literal. Though yes... we are all devestated.
And Life goes on!
Loving Hugs~ Ani x
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 4/24/2007
Thank you Dear LUIS!
I continue to participate...
Nothing foolish... Emotions are what they be...
With Respect and Gratitude, Aniko :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 4/24/2007
That is a great complimemt Pablo!
Many Thanks...
Regards and Best Wishes, Aniko :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 4/24/2007
Thank you Dear Nicki...
You are very kind.
My Loving Hugs to you, Aniko :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 4/24/2007
Warmest Heartfelt Thanks Ralf...
I shall visit you as soon as time and circumstance permits...
Regards, Aniko :)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 4/24/2007
A beautiful tribute, dearest Aniko! Please see my latest post, which is for you.:)
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 4/24/2007
Ani...:))) A special bond... Friendship... A balance of soul and mind... Of love and forgiveness...
In this, one looks deeply sad and lost, very self focussed... the other, tho' frowning slightly, more quietly assured, a gentle giver of strength... Melded as one by the light they share, but separate in their individuality...
Excellent visual Ani... Should be a two x one metre image...:))) or bigger...:)))
... and as a tribute to the two 16 yr olds... A very thoughtful gift of recognition... For so young their hearts and minds to feel such a heavy burden in life... The need to escape their *realities* of an alien world together... before the beauty can be realised...
May their Souls and Minds Rest Gently in Peace...
Hugs dear friend...:)))
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 4/24/2007
Mrs. Hearth I'm pleased to be one of your best Friends...because this image is really creative...I love your ...your...your....which is the word...? Is important? Only the emotions...for me (a foolish...?) not more.- Continue participating... Regards. Lady.- LUIS
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 4/24/2007
Great composition,usual for you.
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 4/23/2007
Hi Aniko...this is a sad story and a wonderful picture of these two beautiful women.I like to see their face expressions.A very creative and artistic work!!! You have done a great job my dear! Big hugsss to you,Nicki;) 7++++++++++++++++
Ralf Walkenhorst
{K:278} 4/23/2007
Hey Aniko, beautyfull Picture, touching Story, regards, Ralf.