Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 4/25/2007
magnificent. 7++++++++++
Robin Sanderse
{K:2545} 4/24/2007
Top!!! This is why I love the Canon ;-) And your portfolio ! Thanks, Robin
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 4/23/2007
great capture . love it 7+++ ... marky .
carl angus
{K:1440} 4/23/2007
cant fault this ian,its technically perfect! the kind of seascape id love to be able to take.a helluva portfolio you got there.all the best
Ian Flindt
{K:610} 4/23/2007
Thanks, Chris!
One of the many benefits in having a wife who is almost as obsessed as I am with photography is that she doesn't object to our holidays being dedicated to landscape photography! :)
Chris Brown
{K:1000} 4/23/2007
Blimey Ian - you move around a lot! Yet another stunning photo from an excellent portfolio. You're rather good at this aren't you! Chris
Ian Flindt
{K:610} 4/23/2007
Thanks, all.
Cathy, I love your description of the vacuum packed pebbles!
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 4/23/2007
My goodness, this is gorgeous! The colours are very soothing, but it is the effect of the lighting on the foreground rocks that I really like. They almost look like they are vacuum packed in plastic, they have such a lovely sheen. Delightful. CC
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/23/2007
Very interesting atmosphere and detils.realy awesome. Bravo!
ferdo pomikalo
{K:117} 4/23/2007
good work and time for shoting is nice, evething done, hi ferdo
Ian Miller
{K:9190} 4/23/2007
Nice peaceful shot, Ian. You have really captured the moment well.