Marcelo Berraz
{K:12906} 8/24/2007
Maravillosa; ché ese negro está medio mamao no?, se salió de la comparsa:-)))Abrazo kapo!!M.
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 7/25/2007
Phew, fabulous!
{K:12494} 6/21/2007
wow, this is different, I like all the design, excellent job. 7++++++++
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 4/30/2007
Lo real y lo irreal en una sóla imagen... fantástica Luis!!! El dinamismo de las candomberas atrás es inmejorable! Felicitaciones, maestro!
Larissa Nazarova
{K:12118} 4/19/2007
Wow! Very creative! Excellent!!!!!!!!77777 Larissa
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 4/14/2007
Dear Luis, I am so very sure this image has a strong story behind cause your mind and heart are brilliant my dearest friend and I do love your image and I have to think about it now :) Thank you for sharing !!! Kiss Srna
Anna Leminski
{K:283} 4/13/2007
Hola Luis Yes he is/was argentine, its not fom a blog, and about me.... i'm just...me
Anna L.
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 4/13/2007
Estimado Amigo estoy sinceramente agradecido por tus elogiosas palabras, por cierto nunca olvido aquella foto del puente...Un abrazo.- LUIS
{K:727} 4/13/2007
mi amigo, siempre es un placer ver sus tomas, son perfectas, sigo admirando sus fotos y es un placer hacerlo, saludos y felicidades por esta alegria que brinda a mis ojos y a los de las demas personas.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 4/13/2007
Dear Luis, I do hope you remember to tell us the story. Sometimes you forget...;)
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 4/13/2007
Dear Shirley I tell the story latter...I'm goin to the court now, here is eraly in the morning .-But is a story.- Everything have a story..even our lives are stories.- Maybe the image is not wo bad---I don't like ...Its' important have autocritc... Kisssss.- LUIS
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 4/13/2007
Very interesting, dear Luis. I'm not sure what your message is here, as this man appears to be disabled in contrast to the dancers in the background. Do you want to tell us a story?
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 4/13/2007
I think the image is stunning, the contrast between the well lit, stationary fellow in sharp focus in the foreground to the colourful, blurred images of the ladies dancing in the back is very good. A really well conceived and executed shot Luis, very good work. Best regards, Joe
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 4/13/2007
The image is not well done...I know that is really out of level...my intention was delete it...but now... The poem is the value... Es un canto de vida...me parece realmente de gran sentimiento y una pureza soberbia.- Gracias Sorry who is Ramón de Almagro...is from a blog, sure is argentine? Are you literature teacher or have you a master of literature? Maybe actress of theater.. The mysterious continue...an amazing game... some clue......? Other kissssssssss.- LUIS
Anna Leminski
{K:283} 4/13/2007
Hola Amigo Luis
Si te sientas conmigo, Si tú estás a mi lado, Que seamos amigos, Ya está casi... arreglado.
Te diré dos palabras, cualquier cosa que sea, buscaré de tus labios la respuesta... cualquiera.
Abriré tu sonrisa con palabras graciosas, te diré con malicia una frase... ingeniosa.
Buscaré en tu mirada si me has comprendido, solo ofrezco palabras, solo ofrezco... mi oído. El tener quién escuche cuando quieres hablar, quién te brinde silencio cuando quieras pensar.
El tener quién te hable si querés escuchar, es tan bueno ¿Y qué cuesta? casi nada, al final.
Si te sientas conmigo, si tú estás a mi lado, que seamos amigos, ya está casi... arreglado.
(Ramón de Almagro)
Anna L.