Maja Š
{K:17951} 9/26/2007
great one!!
Vesna Radakovic
{K:1572} 3/30/2007
Wonderful capture. Beautiful! Vesna
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 3/25/2007
Dear Alberto as you know or even I think so....I've many friends in Photo dal Grosetto, at Italy (CARLO DURANO...do you know him?) , in the site I've a link or some pics published.- Your live in Groseto...then you have a great photographic tradition...by all that reassons I'm pleased with your comment.- Complimenti.- LUIGGI:):):) Regards to all my italian friends.- LUIS
Alberto Romano
{K:2407} 3/25/2007
Fantastic image!!! It's a 7+++. Amazing composition.... Congrats Alberto
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 3/18/2007
Fantástica escena, inundada de surrealismo y sueños o más bien, "una imagen que inunda a algún sueño surrealista..."
Esos pájaros en el horizonte lejano no parecen traer buenos augurios para el inocente soñador, que acaso no pueda con su futuro...
Un abrazo!
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 3/18/2007
Dear Larissa, really dear...when you say a little bit busy...I think is the better, and perfect critic and comment... It means that you have a excellent esthetic criteria...
About your sense we don't have any doubt... I AGREE WITH YOUR WORDS...OK? Warmest cheers.- LUIS
Larissa Nazarova
{K:12118} 3/18/2007
Great boats, i like a metallic look of boats, just a little bit busy composition for me. My regards, LArissa
Quix Photography
{K:20204} 3/17/2007
Luis... this is beautiful.. such a moody piece... love this :)
It's more than a seascape... it's part of a dream :)
Will catch up on your portfolio soon... so little time.. so much to do
Do hope you are keeping well & bright my friend x
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 3/16/2007
Wonderful ..love the capture of the bird flying between the boats ...the wood pillars ..and the mountains in the b/drop...altogether brilliant..nessa 7/7
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 3/16/2007
Notable!! Maravillosa fotografia y un excelente trabajo!
birol emekdas
{K:120} 3/14/2007
{K:7888} 3/14/2007
Beautiful fotografía.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 3/14/2007
Oh my dear Luis, you are soaring now!:)
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 3/14/2007
Beautiful photography! Dirk.
{K:727} 3/14/2007
maravillosa composicion felicidades, saludos
Eduardo Rosas
{K:868} 3/13/2007
Magnifico trabalho, excelente composição num preto e branco belissimo, parabéns! 7