Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 12/18/2009
Another just perfect, Martin.:)
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/29/2009
Excellent. Best wihes Nanda
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 6/15/2009
just an update for my friends, I entered this photo in a local art compitition this last weekend, and won a 1st place photography, which I am very pleased about, and a big thank you for the encouragement from my Fam and Friends.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/21/2009
stunning roby
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 6/20/2007
fantastic. direct to my favorite. H.A
Sanin Dzafo
{K:347} 6/20/2007
beautiful picture bravoo!
Ghada Noman
{K:3016} 6/20/2007
one of the best!! Fantastic work!
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 6/19/2007
absolutely perfect!!!!!
Stephen R. Pellerine
{K:2370} 6/19/2007
Bill Long
{K:3306} 4/5/2007
Grit as in "True Grit".
This reminds me of a character straight out of a John Ford western. Excellent imagery and color.
Regards, Bill
P.S. Exceptional portfolio, M.A., particularly your color palettes and themes.
Joel Bennett
{K:90} 3/31/2007
I was a spectator at this shoot and learned a lot about lighting. M.A. has really helped me learn lighting, and as you can see, he sees lighting and knows what he wants. Great shots! Great lighting!
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 3/29/2007
thought id also answer you here incase you dont recieve my email about your blog site, plz feel free to use this as a link, and would like the address to your site plz. and again, thanks for the kind words, and the insite.
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 3/29/2007
many many thanks for all the kind words, and what a way with words you have. you must surely be a writer? and your attention to detail:) wow. as for the competition, I found out yesterday, they had moved it up to feb. so unfortunatly I missed it this year :(
Michael Fox
{K:3180} 3/28/2007
I got so caught up in the story aspect of your picture, I totally forgot to critique it!
I love the classic 2/3rds view of his face. It really works well in this image and contributes, exceptionally, to the storytelling aspect of the image – given the near-perfect physical attributes of your model to pull this image off.
The darkened background, with minimal detail visible, really adds to the overall strength of presentation. There is nothing to take the viewers interest away from the subject, yet enough visual texture back there to add significant interest, suggesting a sense of place: dark interior of the subject’s cabin home.
The window lighting theme strengthens the sense of place created in the background.
Sorry if my exuberance is out of control, but (damn!) I like this image! Again, good luck to you in the competition.
Would you mind if I were to put a link to this page on my blog and write a short entry about this image? I’ve sent you an email @nebraskavisions w/my blog address so you can judge it’s content for yourself before you respond back.
Cheers, -Mike.
Michael Fox
{K:3180} 3/28/2007
Title? How about: Iron Will . . .
The weary determination I see in this man's face suggests a life of struggle just to stay in the game. His wardrobe appears new. This suggests he may be doing better than even. His firm grip on the iron barrel of his rifle suggests he is the navigator of his fate. He is what he is by his sheer force of will.
Incredible image! Very expressive. A whole story in just one picture. Surely worth a thousand words. Good luck in the competition. Please let us know how your image fares.
Cheers, -Mike.
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 3/22/2007
Wonderful portrait.
As for titles, how 'bout:
"Bring on them Revenuers!" "Danged Varmints" "Gotta Git me Some Dinner" "The Main Rule for Datin' My Daughter" "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammo" "Contemplating the Feud" "Is That a Trespasser?" "Come On Chickenhawk...Just a bit Closer!"
Just kidding. Love this picture. Of course, Don got a pic of his cousin: http://www.usefilm.com/image/26190.html Another one of my favourites.
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 3/21/2007
Thanks so much for the kind words,was looking through your work and will go through them with a closer lok here soon, just wanted to say thanks for the shot of reality as far as Titles go. I'm getting all excited about this competition this year, and as you said perhaps am making more importance of the title than is needed, by the way I was stunned by the superior quality of your work, and feel humbled, just to get a comment from you :), there are so so many world class photographers on this wonderful site, sometimes I want to burn my Camera :), anywas, thanks again, will be commenting on your work soon
John Pitman
{K:8473} 3/21/2007
Very nice.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 3/20/2007
A beautiful and evocative portrait of this man, M.A.! How about "Remembering". Dave.
Wayne Winsauer
{K:7331} 3/20/2007
Absolutely superb portrait! You are so very skilled! Tough trying to figure out a title! I thought I had one but I'm going to have to come back to this one.
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 3/20/2007
I don't konw the tittle is so personal, and isn't important. The feeling are the question.- And the image is in the top, a stunning perfect quality portrait, for the competition the ligth is wonder, and the manage colour is excellent.- You know M.A. (¿...?) I'm international judge of phography contests, the title is not important, for me...But this one could get the name: "Dramatic Essay in a autumm day..." WARMEST REGARDS.- LUIS;) (7/7)
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 3/20/2007
really like your suggestion as well, though I may use it on a diff photo I have of this Gent, if thats ok :), a big thank you for your suggestion
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 3/20/2007
just checkin in on suggestions, so far I like yours best :) "A Pioneers Spirit" like the sound and says what Id like to say, A Big Thanks to you :)
David West
{K:1149} 3/20/2007
Great shot, how about something like "The End of the Vigil"?
Quix Photography
{K:20204} 3/20/2007
First of all I can see why you want to enter this one into a competition... this is very well put together :)
As for the title I kinda like Russell's suggestion'The Pioneer Spirit' :)
Good luck in the competition x
M jalili
{K:69009} 3/20/2007
Amazing one ..............
Vesna Radakovic
{K:1572} 3/20/2007
Wonderful capture. Beautiful!!! Vesna
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 3/20/2007
Excellent portrait. Splendid quality of the painting, very good details, excellent light and pretty motive. A Farewell to Arms? Best regards. Viola
Damnimgood .
{K:1935} 3/20/2007
Stunning, Just plain stunning, as for a name, difficult, maybe something like..."The Pioneer Spirit". Good Luck.....Russell
Mike Adams
{K:7180} 3/20/2007
REally good image. Good luck with the competition.
My nomination(s) for the title: How the west once was. Hard time lead to good times. The trapper.
Just my thoughts!
Patrick Crowther
{K:13393} 3/20/2007
How's about 'Lord, times they're so tough I had tuh sell muh donkey fur sum bread'
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 3/20/2007
Wish I could think of something for this totally stunning portrait...such a perfect shot....good luck with the comp..this is a real winner to me :) Cheers Liz