Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 2/28/2007
Thanks Gabriela.
Gabriela Tanaka
{K:16594} 2/3/2007
A wonderful capture,Ken! Not only is the composition beautiful, but the clarity of the tiny bird is stunning!I've never seen one in reality! Regards, Gabriela
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 1/30/2007
Heh, now we can say we have, Thanks so much for the kind comments.
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 1/30/2007
Thanks Bud, I can even train these guys!@ LOL
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 1/30/2007
Thanks my friend I appreciate the support you all give me. I had to work for this one.
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 1/30/2007
Thanks Ray I appreciate the comments.
Marlyce Chastain
{K:4071} 1/29/2007
this is just wonderful..........how many of us have actually seen a hummingbird's feet? Just beautiful!
Robert Chin
{K:22282} 1/29/2007
Wonderful capture Kenneth,beautiful colors. Robbie
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 1/28/2007
Feakin' AWESOME shot Ken!! Love the clarity and the moment you captured with those feet (landing gear) down and ready. Nice work.
Redards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Ray Vann
{K:3093} 1/27/2007
Nice shot. I'm always trying to take humming bird shots without the feeder...but you have managed to make the feeder almost as important to the image as the bird itself. Good job!
God bless, Ray
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 1/27/2007
Thanks Gennaro for the comments.
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 1/27/2007
Thanks Riny for the comment, I have two of these feeders in the yard. I put on my camo that I use to hunt with (which I don't do anymore) sit in my lawn chair with my long lens and wait for them to come in.
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 1/27/2007
Thank you Kara, I appreciate your comments.
Gennaro Manna
{K:21301} 1/27/2007
Amazing shot, great moment...congrats gennaro
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 1/27/2007
How did you get this shot??
I´m curious! 7+++
Kara BigCanoe
{K:1328} 1/27/2007
This is an amazing shot Kenneth. It really shows just how tiny these little birds are. I love watching them flit around. Nice work. Kara