Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 9/9/2007
Thanks Sal, I appreciate the comments, I haven't been able to get the time to shot anything lately, but I am going to get back into the groove.
Salvador Marķa Lozada
{K:69375} 9/8/2007
What a nice shot, Kenneth. A perfect image of that bird, probably related to the herons(?)... Congrats. Best regards, Salvador
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 2/2/2007
You're welcome, Kenneth!:)
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 2/2/2007
Thanks Selami, I appreciate the comments.
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 2/2/2007
Thanks Bud, I know I should have cropped it the other side, I appreciate the catch, you are the Zen Master of the birds.
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 2/2/2007
Thank you Shirley for the comment.
selami Torun
{K:9397} 2/1/2007
good tones. I like this capture.. regards
Robert Chin
{K:22282} 2/1/2007
LOL!!! Your fish,LOL!!! Nice shot Kenneth,lovely pose captured. The only thing I would prefer is for the Egret to be further from the edge of the image. Take care Robbie Really awesome flower,blew me away my friend!!!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 2/1/2007
Gorgeous capture, Kenneth!
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 2/1/2007
Thanks Kara!!.
Kara BigCanoe
{K:1328} 2/1/2007
Beautiful shot Kenneth! Lovely.