City - Dinosaur Prov. Park State - ALBERTA Country - Canada
Yesterday I took a break from painting to travel to Dinosaur Prov. Park to gather more great images from some of the amazing Alberta landscapes, all within a short distance of Calgary and Banff. The weather has been fairly cold but then that kind of deals with having all the tourists getting in the way. Also the sun is so low in the sky, the lighting is pretty much excellent all day, creating long shadows and dramatic light. Hoodoos are tall thin spires of rock that protrude from the bottom of arid basins and badlands. They are composed of soft sedimentary rock, and are topped by a piece of harder, less easily-eroded stone that protects the column from the elements.
Hi Wayne, Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately i pulled the previous image that you critiqued to do a slight adjustment and will repost it again later