Maryam Sahafzadeh
{K:3380} 3/26/2008
Good job mary...keep in contact, Ive been there recently!
1301307 60
{K:44058} 5/2/2007
Wow, fantastic place, really wonderful and the straight road really looks like its endless. beautiful landscape... regards...
R. M. B.
{K:1671} 3/9/2007
Very good landscape, beautiful colours and composition, greetings!
Shima Garnavi
{K:424} 3/9/2007
I love deserts of iran
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 8/4/2006
Paesaggio magnifico. grande!
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/15/2006
Thank you my dear Mohsen for your structural critique :) I'm so glad you like it ...I really love your comments , it gives me a lot of motivation. I appreciate your suggestion, it is intersting idea... your Usefilm friends like Mary are always waiting to see your great new shots ;)
Take care too my dear friend.
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 7/14/2006
Landscape photography with a message! I really like the way you composed this shot...nice view as well...I also love the color tones...make me feel good!
You can also try it in B&W! If you add a more RED tones to your beautiful work and then if you convert in to black and white tones...then you can see the different contrast between the tones!
anyway...I really LOVE it in Colours, Take care my dear friend!
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/12/2006
Oh....IMAN....this is valuable for me receive such a lovely comment from an Iranian photographer like you. thanks... I think you are really a great poet...you can tell your feeling so beautiful... I still have a dream like you...but it's a little different with your ;)....I love to ride my bicycle in this road and riding and riding to nowhere.... :) so I'm really glad you like this one because we have the same dream, I have some more coming...hope you will like them as well...
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/12/2006
Thank you dear Robert, I'm flattered and honored by your kind words...you are really one of my great friend in UF. P.S : thamks again ;)))
Iman M. Nezami
{K:3276} 7/11/2006
mary mary mary! i hope that u will have an eternal life. and make this beauty again and again. u r great, nice shot. an unknown feeling it has.. not loneliness not love.. there is no passing by... no human being.. it remembers me just one thing.. a way to nowhere... a lovely way.. when i was a child in my dream i was a man with brown skin(burning under the sun) driving a car in a road somewhere in nowhere.. somewhere that everything is just like this photo. iman
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 7/11/2006
Yesss! I do love this place, too wonderful scene with warm tones and special atmosphere. The colours and view are so superb! A well titled shot, way to nowhere, great thought and expressive view! Absolutely inspiring work. The composition and the diagonal way are excellent. Nicely done dear Mary!
Have a nice day dear my friend! Robert
ps: Thanks for your sharing!
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/11/2006
thanks dear Mohammad , your attitude is appreciateable...:) your continues encouragement makes me eager to keep on my work....yes I croped the sky of this shot because I want to emphasize this road....but I'm really agree with you about the skies of desert...you are really professional in photography from desert ... I think you had gone in Maranjab desert ;) this is valuable for me receive such a supportive comment from a very good photographer like you. thanks...
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/11/2006
Thank you B@toor jan, so nice to hear from you, it gives me a lot of motivation. I hope you are well...take good care my dear friend ;)))
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/11/2006
Thank you my dear Pan, I'm flattered and honored by your kind words...so glad you like this one.... ;) your continues encouragement makes me eager to keep on my work. take care... :))))
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/11/2006
path finder ;)))...oh THanks Kamran jan... as always you are very encouraging ;)
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/11/2006
hi dear Ozturk thanks for your notice ;)
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/11/2006
Salam Abolfazl jan As always you are very encouraging and your comments and critic are highly appreciated.
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/11/2006
hehehehehe.....you have great eyes Paolo...when I was there I thought the same your idea, it seems a moon landscape ;).... i'm realy glad that i recive a comment from one of the real photographers that i admire his skill. Ciao,
Mohammad Porooshani
{K:20765} 7/10/2006
This one is the best beginning for your Kalut series shots I think dear Mary, those huge stones look like some Seals in the south pole laying down in the sun, looking at your Lens! the crop of sky is good and I think fits for your reason here, but my experiences in desert shows me, the best shots in desert are those got great Skies with nice clouds, but I really enjoy this shot and I'm really excited to see your entire series, very well done, My bests, Mohammad
Barat Ali Batoor
{K:169} 7/10/2006
My eyes are looking the road where it goes :-). Nice debth and composition. Beautiful use of tones Mary Jan. Hope to see more incredible shots of your Kalut Series...Best wishes....B@toor
pan g.
{K:16899} 7/10/2006
Hey Mary, this picture reminds me of pictures of Grand Canyon or Route 66 we see in expensive book portfolios. You've done an excellent job including as much it was needed to make a wonderfull picture. Excellent work my dear! Bravo!
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 7/10/2006
very impresive place , very great landscape and very powerful DOF and composition, all of the best
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 7/10/2006
nice shot of Kalut,very well done,path finder. Afareen Mary
Bulent Ozturk
{K:6886} 7/10/2006
Hi Karimi. Beautiful picture... The colors and the framming are great! The details are really fantastic. Regards, Bulent
Abolfazl Erfani
{K:7431} 7/10/2006
Hi dear Mary, Excellent landscape. Your composition and framing very nice and professional. You saw the line (road) very well. Thanks a lot my friend for share this shot.
Best regards,
Kunal Mehta
{K:2496} 7/9/2006
Very beautiful shot. I love the composition and frame with road going through diagonaly is very warming along with warm colors of Kalut. I will look forward to more of your images. Please post bit larger shots.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 7/9/2006
mary i love this place..it seems a moon landscape but there's a road so there's humans presence ..well captured and presented my dear! best wishes PAOLO