Partha Pal
{K:11619} 5/25/2006
Nice light and shadow effect. The positioning of the fl;ower is well enough. he overall picture is very much pleasing to the eye.
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 5/24/2006
Thanks for the heads up, Eb! We are planning to head up that way in a few weeks...I can't wait! Nice shot of the daisies. Good lighting! Once again...thanks Eb! Kathy
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 5/23/2006
Beautiful again Eb! The simple, modest daisies inspire you. I love the splendid idea of placing diagonal in the left corner the clear and luminous subjects blurring and darkenig all the rest. Really very good. I take with me this too. Ciao.
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 5/23/2006
Thanks, Pat! I boosted the ISO and shot at 1/400, as it was windy. It seems like it is always windy! My resolve is to use the tripod more often rather than rely on VR. Unfortunately, with the wind, there is not much point to either forms of stabilization. Eb
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 5/23/2006
Your thoughtful comment provokes discussion, Joggie! Although I did not try f/11, I did have an exposure at f/16 and preferred it less compared to this one at f/22. I suppose it also depends on the bokeh characteristics of the lens. My reason for stopping down was quite single minded - to keep the entire foreground cluster in sharp focus. My resolve for next time is to spend more time with subjects like this and to expose more variations. Eb
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 5/23/2006
Excellent Eb - great use of differential light. Crisp whites of the daisies in the foreground agianst a mottled backround of daisies in the back. Another approach would be to separate the front ones even further by stopping down to about F11 or F8 to create a more even, yet mottled background. This is only a thought and doesnt distract from this great image. Regards. Joggie
Pat Oates
{K:3046} 5/23/2006
Beatiful capture. I like the combination of sunlight and shadow. With f/22, I assume it was a calm day?
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 5/23/2006
Ooh, very nice.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 5/23/2006
The framing and exposure in this is quite skilled. Good job, Eb!
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 5/23/2006
Lovely photograph with great light well done my dear friend Eb !! regards jo