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Dutch Postcard for Riny
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Image Title:  Dutch Postcard for Riny
Favorites: 0 
 By: Klaas  Baas  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Klaas   Baas  Klaas  Baas {Karma:15111}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon EOS 10D
Categories Landscape
From The Field
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Landscape
Lens Canon  28-105 mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Uploaded 5/14/2006 Film / Memory Type Sandisk 1 GB Ultra II
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 382 Shutter 1/350
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 23 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Schagen
Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About Maybe he changes his mind when he see a postcard like this and start to post again on UF. I think he must like this typical Dutch landscape a lot. I took this one yesterday near the city of Schagen in our Noord-Holland provence.

File Name
Dutch Postcard for Riny.jpg
Camera Model Name
Canon EOS 10D
Shooting Date/Time
13-5-2006 15:36:16
Tv( Shutter Speed )
Av( Aperture Value )
Exposure Compensation
ISO Speed
28.0 - 105.0mm
Focal Length
Image Size
Image Quality
AF Mode
One-Shot AF
Contrast Normal
Sharpness Normal
Color saturation Normal
Color tone Normal
Color Space
File Size
Drive Mode
Single-frame shooting
Owner's Name
Klaas Baas
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There are 23 Comments in 1 Pages
Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 2/7/2007
Hi John, thanks mate for your comment on this pic.
You're right John about the clarity, but that comes with the zoom, I zoomed in at 105. The middle part of this image is IMO what it should be. Thanks for you 6 and maybe I should take a similar picture in the future with less zoom and higher apperture.
Thanks a lot for such a building comment, very much apreciated my friend.
Have a nice evening, take care,



John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 2/5/2007
Beautiful colors, especialy that orange is stunning, the only though here is about the clarity dear friend, I think these photos need even smaller apperture. I can say at least f/12 or even f/16 for depth in focus. Anyway it's very good image and rich too! ...6
Best regards!


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 6/5/2006
Thanks brother, happy you liked it. You have to come and check it out yourself sometime. Lol.
All the best, take care,



Ace Star Ace Star   {K:21040} 6/5/2006
beautiful scene full of colorfull detials and lovely atmospher :)
like dit alot

good luck


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/18/2006
Thanks you commented this one Marian, as you probably know, Riny will come back, only he's very busy at the moment and cannot find the time to be a lot on UF now. We just have to wait.
UF costs a lot of time, I spend about 3 hours every day to answer the comments and look and comment the work of others, and still it's not long enough.
But I enjoy it, so we go on and on and on.....
Best regards,



Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 5/17/2006
a lovely image dear Klaas!!!!marvelous composition with fine colors!!!!!
great dedication to our dear friend Riny!!!!!! bravo!!!!!!
all the best


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/17/2006
Thanks Meldijana, you're right. I'm not so at home in the Latin language, but your explaining made it clear.
Have a nice evening,



Meldijana Omerbegovic   {K:4079} 5/16/2006
A lot of work,I suppose, but as it used to be said "Acti labores iucundi"'s quite a good feeling to finish some work.. and of course to comment on a fine scene like this one.


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/16/2006
Thanks Mary, I'm glad you like this one.
Take care Klaas


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 5/16/2006
Beautiful Klaas- the colours and lines lovely. To have the cows make a great contrast with the lemon.


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/16/2006
Hi Meldijana, now you've already read Rinys's comment, first of all he has to do a lot of work on a chalet he bought, electricity and other stuff had to be renewed. Thanks for your comment on this one.
Take care,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/16/2006
O.K Riny, duidelijk, we zien je dus over een tijdje weer terug. Er moet zo te zien nog inderdaad een hoop gebeuren aan je chalet. Is het voor de vakantie, of ga je er wonen? Stuur volgende keer als het kan eens een foto van de buitenzijde (mail).Ik ben benieuwd hoe het er van buiten uitziet, en de tuin, heb je er nog een beetje grond bij? Ik hoor het nog wel, succes met het opknappen, en sterkte ermee.



Meldijana Omerbegovic   {K:4079} 5/15/2006
Very nice colours and composition,very nice image..and nice's good to hear that Riny will be coming back..
Kind regards


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 5/15/2006
Hoi Klaas,zoals je het op de foto kunt zien moet er nog heel wat gebeuren! Groetjes, Riny


Binnen werk

Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 5/15/2006
Een echte oerhollandse landschap,Dank je wel klaas!

Dear Klaas,Mel and everybody.As you know I dont post photographs since a few weeks on usefilm. This is because I bought a chalet this needs a lot of work, like new electricity,This will take a few mounts.I promise to came back as possible on the photo side!

Many thanks for all your kindly commenting on my work! Best regards, Riny


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/15/2006
Thanks for visitng and commenting again Selami. I'm glad you like this one.



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/15/2006
Thanks Branimir for your visit and comment.



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/15/2006
Thanks Nacho for your very complimenting comment.
Take care,



selami Torun   {K:9397} 5/15/2006
Superb composition. Very very nice...... Congratulations!


Branimir Fagarazzi Branimir Fagarazzi   {K:38367} 5/15/2006
Nice shot


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 5/15/2006
marvelous country mood. outstanding. beautiful comosition. a delight.


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/15/2006
Thanks for your comment Laura, Riny will be posting again he wrote me, but not in a short while, he wil first be busy with doing some other things.
We'll have to wait till then.
Take care,



Laura Spell Laura Spell   {K:24080} 5/15/2006
Lovely pastoral scene! I hope that Riny will begin posting again. I miss seeing his work!




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