Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 4/27/2007
Thanks my dear friend for your very kind comment on my pic. But shame on me for the late reply. Did escape my attention. But...... better late than never don't you think? Hugs,
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 3/31/2007
Great picture and very beautiful,warm and friendly dedication my dear friend hugs Biljana
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 4/3/2006
Hello Meldijana, thank you so much for your nice words. These are "Aalscholver" birds, i don't know the english word for them. They eat about 500 grams of fish a day, and a colony of these birds can be 30000 or more, so a big problem for the fisherman. But not the fisherman , but the birds are protected, and because they get all the fish out of the nets, fishermen has to seek for other jobs. Hope I answered your question. Take care and good luck,
Meldijana Omerbegovic
{K:4079} 4/3/2006
Beautiful sky colours ,beautiful image,Klaas.Seems like the birds are coming back from the South..or they are always there,near the lake.Very nice atmosphere,very nice photo. Kind regards Meldijana
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/2/2006
i agree with you brother! i think if you dedicate an image to someone like you did its a feeling of good gesture and friendship :) in past i use to give away Cd's to my friends and faimly members as gifts because i love music and still i do its like i wanna share my music love with others its about sharing :)
u know most of sunset i'v captured at home good open view from here will show you more i'v alot of them :)
wish you good luck
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 4/2/2006
Your very welcome Ace, it's good to see that you can make someone happy with such a small thing as an image. More people should do that, don't you agree? The one you posted here has fantastic colours, it's great to now that when you're at home, you can enjoy such beautifull sights. Thanks for posting this one. All the best and take care,
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/1/2006
wow! thanks Klaas its like a gift i am feeling so happy :) really i love this image with alot of birds and open view just beautiful :)
i am posting a pic which i shot from my home hope you like it :)
thanks & good luck

Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 4/1/2006
Een heel intressante comment Klaas, Ik wist niet dat die Aalschovers zoveel schade aan kon richten! Voor zulke foto,s had je eigenlijk een fish-eye moeten gebruiken die heb ik wel met mijn Canon coolpix 8800,wacht op betere weer! Groetjes, Riny
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 4/1/2006
Hi Riny, thanks for your comment on this picture. Je hoeft niet verder te staren, ik help je nu uit de droom, het zijn Aalscholvers, ik heb met een visser gesproken die gestopt is met zijn beroep omdat de Aalscholvers beter worden beschermd dan de vissers. Er zijn er in 1 groep vaak wel tienduizenden die allemaal ongeveer 500 gram vis per dag nodig hebben en daardoor ook de fuiken van de vissers leegeten. Hoop dat je zo voldoende informatie hebt. Prettige zondag,
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 4/1/2006
Hi Rashed, it's good to read your nice and warm words about this image. How's your leg doing, still under treatment? Hope you improve quickly. Good luck and all the best,
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 4/1/2006
Hello Nacho, thanks for your nice words, glad to read such flattering words. Have a nice sunday,
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 4/1/2006
He Klaas, Iam sure Ace will pleased this beautiful picture...Ik heb mij een beetje suf op je foto zitten staren,zijn het geen ganzen die naar warmere oorden trekt...??? Geniet van je vrije weekend Klaas,Groetjes, je maatje....Riny
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 4/1/2006
very beautiful image and with very great composition, DOF, sharpness and colors, very pleasant image to view , all of the best my friend
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 4/1/2006
marvelous mood. great details. stunning tones. wonderful.