Edward Ghoti
{K:5514} 12/26/2006
Thank you for your comment Roshan.
All the best, Ed
Roshan Kumara
{K:2827} 12/26/2006
Wow. Excelent capture. Wel detailed. Keep it up Ed.
Johancharles Boers
{K:4370} 5/11/2006
Awesome capture...as a Native American Indian...I really appreciate the beauty of this photo...great framing, lighting, and the timing of your shot is right on the money. Great Job!
Best Wishes, Chuck
Edward Ghoti
{K:5514} 5/11/2006
Thank you both for your comments Margriet and Riny.
In Canada we would call it a buzzard; here in Ethiopia the Amharic word for it is “Chillyfeet” (at least phonetically).
Thanks again, Ed
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 5/11/2006
Agree with Margriet,We call this bird in the Netherlands (BUIZERD)have a nice day Edward....Riny
Margriet van der Ent
{K:1317} 5/11/2006
Wow what a very nice capture and very nice picture with the cloud in the back and the light at the wings..well done..greetings Margriet