Özlem Mehmet
{K:-454} 5/21/2006
This is such a beautiful image, so peaceful. Great composition to, the square frame compliments the image perfectly. great shot.
Marco Federici
{K:1686} 5/19/2006
Very great moment!
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 5/13/2006
Adorable! Beautiful tones and grain. :)
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 5/11/2006
beautiful moment! so peaceful... congrats. G.
Omnia Mamdouh
{K:5107} 5/11/2006
Very nice shot Chris,very cute,peacful portraits.Good B&w.Well done
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 5/11/2006
Well balanced and nice grey tones.
fransiskus nugroho
{K:117} 5/11/2006
it's beautiful, and u use film, long live manual BW
Mort Gage
{K:2743} 5/11/2006
sweet scene...happy first mom's day
Balaji Mannu
{K:74} 5/11/2006
Great moment,wow