absynthius .
{K:20748} 1/12/2008
very beautiful shot. all the best, v.
James Cook
{K:38068} 6/10/2006
Your portrait work is wonderful. This is a personal favorite. I am working up the courage to embark on a portait journey.
Lubi Star
{K:3903} 5/19/2006
ha... so you already know that i like it... regards :)
{K:70138} 5/18/2006
Lube, you have already seen it !.. it's the one u called 'spooky' !!.. :)
Lubi Star
{K:3903} 5/18/2006
Avi... more than glad to do so but you have a portrait in your profile and not a b/w abstract... do you mean another pic probably in your portfolio? let me know... regards... Lubi
{K:70138} 5/17/2006
You are good at B&W profiles.. and use of light and shade. Good sharpness and great angle of shot. I have a B&W abstract in my profile, you may take a look (it has some noise, kept on purpose) and let me know what you feel.
compliments, Avi
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 5/14/2006
I have seen this face before
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 5/13/2006
well I reckon good on you this image is a bit challenging and yeah I guess some just cant handle that gutsy performance ...my only problem is the mark on the print other than a fine thing indeed she has a rogueish look in her eye and your composition is weirdly diagonal .. great stuff
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/13/2006
Hi Lubi,
I think using the full frame is always commendable, yet ther'es nothing against cropping, either in camera through the viewfinder, or, if necessary, in the dark room.
Can't argue with the choice of filter during the print, of course; thats a very subjective issue, and should be left up to the artist, for the critiques to admire or wonder about. It does obsucre the skinfeatures, and that works very well, as it looks smooth to me, so I guess that works...:)
I enjoy reading your reply, though. It helps to see the image through your eyes and read your intentions, which do make sense, and the choices fall in to place perfectly. The connection between model and photographer, especially if there's a personal relationship between them, or even stronger if it's a selfportrait are the hardest to describe and to perceive, as those emotions depeicted are not only personal, but also more hidden / invisible than expressions.
Continuing on that psychological line of thinking, the purpose of any photo is also something that's essential in photography; In portraiture, there are three basic purposes: a) to please the audience (people who look at the image) b) to please the model (wedding albums, model portfolio shots) or c) to please the photographer (family, personal exposure) It goes without saying critiques tend to be of more use in the first group, as the other two type of portraiture have a more closed group of critiquers / spectators. It all makes perfect sense!
Thanks for the reply, very insightful. And as to the mindmaps, it's not something that is to stay...:)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/12/2006
..is so equal to a emily savva shot..
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/12/2006
great one again.........
Lubi Star
{K:3903} 5/11/2006
Dear Hugo...
Firstly i would like to thank you for your time and effort you put in your critique and excuse myself for my late reply... it is true that there are imperfections as to the image quality but that´s what happens when you have a cheap scanner :)i can see what you mean about the black margin and i have to agree with you... i didn´t crop it since all the pics i have uploaded so far are full frames for the exact purpose of showing the complete image and receive the appropriate critiques as a means to improve my work... if i am to do such alterations i will mention it at the "about" corner... true, i did print it myself in multigrade paper (Ilford RC - satin)and the use of high contrast was done on purpose... of course, as you have mentioned correctly there are blown up parts but it is a way of "hiding" less than perfect skin textures and give - impo of course - a more dramatic and minimal feel to the image without PS... it is a matter of personal taste of course but most important to me is the depiction of feelings - expressions that are unique to each individual... everyday individuals to be exact as this is somehow a collaboration - or trying to be one - between the two parties (model - photographer) where the person brings out "another self" maybe while at ease with the photographer... something like a phycological session i guess for them and a discovery trip for me... hard to win their trust and there is a lot of personal interaction before shooting... i hope it makes sense the whole concept as i described it (still a newbie here so i haven´t moved as much as to attach mind maps ).... thanks once again for your valuable feedback... Best regards... Lubi
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 5/9/2006
Lubi excelent image dear friend i like this !! jo
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/9/2006
Hi Lubi,
There might be a couple of glitches in the exposure and image quality but they're far inferior to the expressiveness and feel of this photo. Very refreshing and quite powerful. The DoF works perfectly, and the exposed shoulder even manages to be quite suggestive, I believe. Very sensuous shot.
As to the composition, I feel you could've cropped just a small strip off the top of the image, as I think thet would consise the view a bit, and the wider black margin (compared to the one under her chin) doesn't really add much else.
Looking at the drop, I get the impressin you printed this yourself? Nice! Did you use a multigrad paper? maybe a slightly softer filter could've prevented the blown out bits on her forehead. Dodging might be a bit troublesome, but with a very small aperture on the enlarger, it should give you enough time...
Anyway, very well done, and absolutely a fantastic photo!
metoni .
{K:24727} 5/9/2006
very nice shot
pan g.
{K:16899} 5/9/2006
Great work, reminds me so much to work of Emily (http://www.usefilm.com/photographer/60136.html).