Such images don't need any tehnical comments, though this hier is also technically very good. But it is rather the strong message they convey. What comes into my mind when I see it?
The lyrics of two of the most strong messages I ever heard:
...another war, another wasteland, and another lost generation. (by Rush, album: Grace under pressure, song: Wheels)
and also:
... and the world is just the same, and the history ain't change, 'cause the banners were are flown in the next war. (by the Who, album: Who's next, song: Don't get fooled again - go get my guitar and play it as loud as I can!)
That's the results of politics up to now. That's the results of strictly "practical", "economical", thinking, without considering that we, human beings, can't live on a material basis alone.
Congratulations, Majed, for saying so much with a single photo.