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Springtime in my Garden
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Image Title:  Springtime in my Garden
Favorites: 0 
 By: Klaas  Baas  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Klaas   Baas  Klaas  Baas {Karma:15111}
Project #2 The Creative Flower Camera Model Canon EOS 10D
Categories Florals
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Flowers
Lens Canon  28-105 mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Uploaded 5/3/2006 Film / Memory Type Sandisk 1 GB Ultra II
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 404 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 30 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Zeewolde
Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About File Name
Springtime in my Garden.jpg
Camera Model Name
Canon EOS 10D
Shooting Date/Time
3-5-2006 14:44:09
Tv( Shutter Speed )
Av( Aperture Value )
Exposure Compensation
ISO Speed
28.0 - 105.0mm
Focal Length
Image Size
Image Quality
Contrast Normal
Sharpness Normal
Color saturation Normal
Color tone Normal
Color Space
File Size
Drive Mode
Single-frame shooting
Owner's Name
Klaas Baas
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There are 30 Comments in 1 Pages
Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 3/2/2007
You realy made my day this morning with this beautiful shot :) and it is rainy in Belgrade too, your photo refreshed my day :) !!! And let us hope so :):):)
Hugs, Srna


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 3/2/2007
Good evening Srna, thanks for such kind words on this a little earlier posting. It's good to see that this shot gives you such a good feeling. Maybe this spring again some chanches to do more of these shots.
Let's hope so. This day was first with sun and clouds, in the afternoon we had hail, tomorrow maybe only rain in the morning and a bit better in the afternoon....... said the weatherforecast.
Have a nice evening,



Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 3/2/2007
Good morning Klaas, I was looking at comments and found this one of yours ... it is very appealing for me, tender and beautiful shot for good morning, so effective with great DOF, colours and details.
Beautiful dear Klaas :)
Have a nice and sucsessful day !!!


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 3/2/2007
Thanks Biljana, in some trees the blossoms are already there because of the mild weather circumstances, but not in our garden yet. When they are there maybe I do another springshot.
All the best to you, and take care,



biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/1/2007
Beautiful my friend!!!!I know this is from last spring and I hope it will be something new and beautiful in this spring.....
Warm regards


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 6/5/2006
Thanks for your kind words.
Take care,



Ace Star Ace Star   {K:21040} 6/5/2006
just beautiful my friend! really give you a smell of fresh air and refreshing like feeling :)
good one :)

all the best


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 5/6/2006
Thanks Klaas for your encouragement- once I get a bee in my bonnet about something, I will carry on learning!


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/6/2006
When I stop working with a program for a while (month or so), and later use it again, I'll to have to think again how it exactly worked. Everybody have the same problem with that. So don't let anything disturb you from doing, finally it will work out fine, you'll see.
Nice weekend again,



Mary Slade   {K:40338} 5/5/2006
You're right Klaas- doing is learning- and I'm doing both! Thanks for putting me on to it.


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/5/2006
It's not so difficult with a computer, a little bit of logic thinking and more often practice will help you a lot, I'm not a computerfreak myself but doing is learning, and after a while you do it as it's the most easy thing in the world. You'll see.
Succes and take care,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/5/2006
Thanks Mohamed, for visiting and comneting this one.



Mary Slade   {K:40338} 5/5/2006
Not yet Klaas- but nearly! I'm not used to doing that on the computer. There were so many websites I was working my way through and getting so far with free membership before something went wrong- but I shall persist and am enjoying it and learning things!


Mohamed Elfakharany Mohamed Elfakharany   {K:795} 5/4/2006
great colours and great DOF....


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/4/2006
Did you download PhotoFiltre already?



Mary Slade   {K:40338} 5/4/2006
Thank- you for your support as always Klaas. Something about that piccy was irritating me but couldn't think what! Also, thanks for the photofilm tip. It has got me investigating and trying to learn more about the computer and how to get it- there's loads! So thanks Klaas.


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/4/2006
I'm glad you like this one Nicola.



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/4/2006
Hi Mary, why deleted your photo? You had a special feeling probably with this photo, and you've shared it with us, nothing wrong with that. Maybe not a perfect one, but for shure a special one.
Thanks for letting me know.
Take care,



Nicola Barbieri Nicola Barbieri   {K:18000} 5/3/2006
Great macro Klaas. Wonderful colors and details..
Congratulation..ciao, Nicola


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 5/3/2006
Thanks Klaas for the comments about the horsies of mine. I may have deleted them, so don't want you to think I hadn't repled!


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/3/2006
Thanks Mary, and I know you like these kind of framing, as you told me before. Did you download PhotoFiltre? Then you can also use frame's like this.
I'm glad you like it.
Take care,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/3/2006
Thanks a lot Meldijana for visiting and commenting this one, I m very glad you like it, blossoms everywere, I want to take another one when the sun is a bit better for a shot.
Take care,



Mary Slade   {K:40338} 5/3/2006
Beautiful picture and frame Klaas. The details and colours are brilliant and so uplifting!


Meldijana Omerbegovic   {K:4079} 5/3/2006
Wonderful colours and details,Klaas,and great composition...very nice image of this beautiful season..Congratulations!
Kind regards


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/3/2006
Glad you like it Laura, in this kind of images I like this limited DOF a lot. Indeed it leads the attention to the sharp parts.
Thanks for your comment on this one.
Take care,



Laura Spell Laura Spell   {K:24080} 5/3/2006
Beautiful blooms. Light, color and details are all very good in this image. Limited DOF allows the blooms in the foreground to pop out.


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/3/2006
Thanks for the compliments Selami, I'm glad you like it.
Best regards,



selami Torun   {K:9397} 5/3/2006
good work Klaas !
very beautiful color and detail! Superb composition!
Best regards


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 5/3/2006
Thanks Nacho for your kind comment.
Best regards,



Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 5/3/2006
marvelous tones. great composition. wonderful image. cong.




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