Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 4/7/2006
Thanks Nacho for kind words on this one. Take care,
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 4/7/2006
wonderful composition. marvelous tones.
Meldijana Omerbegovic
{K:4079} 3/21/2006
That's quite interesting,and the towers are pretty old but in good condition..Very nice image,thank you Klaas. Best regards Meldijana
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 3/21/2006
Thanks Medijana, in fact what you don't see is, there are three towers in one. they're build of little old bricks back in the 16th or 17th century. jpeg couldn't often handle the thin lines very well, so that's probably the reason that you couldn't see the bricks very well. Take care,
Meldijana Omerbegovic
{K:4079} 3/20/2006
Very nice colours and very interesting way of buliding the tower..it seems as the two round buildings are connected..and the windows with interesting red coloured shutters..but I cant see the lines of stones..they mus be built of some other material ...very nice composition,very nice photo. Kind regards Meldijana
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 3/7/2006
Hello Diego, thanks for your nice words again. Take care, Klaas
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 3/7/2006
hi Klaas, exceptional point of view! beautiful realization, compliments diego
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 2/28/2006
Hi Ace, thanks for your kind words, and yes, I felt the same about the trees.
wish you ofcourse all the best, and take care, Klaas
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 2/28/2006
Hi Riny, er is nog zoveel te zien en te fotograferen, je kan je lol op. Bedankt voor je commentaar, en fijn dat je de foto mooi vind. I'll do my best, and nice that I'm still your friend.
gr. Klaas
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 2/28/2006
Thanks you like it Kambiz, and it was as you see a beautiful day with lots of sun and very cold, so a perfect day to get the best colours. Take care, Klaas
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 2/28/2006
Hoi Klaas, Ik je ff een link waar je schitterende foto,s uit Enkhuizen kan bewonderen. Riny http://images.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.simonbalyon.com/images/Balyon_enkhuizen_zomer.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.simonbalyon.com/simon_balyon_enkhuizen_zomer.htm&h=580&w=800&sz=49&tbnid=HD2_jWo6j0lFwM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=142&hl=nl&start=149&prev=/images%3Fq%3DEnkhuizen%26start%3D140%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Dnl%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
Ace Star
{K:21040} 2/28/2006
hi Klaas! beautiful shot ... these trees did magic for background buildings ... excellent capture brother
wish you all the best
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 2/27/2006
Hoi Klaas.laat je nog wat voor mij over? Als ik van de zomer naar Enkhuizen ga? LOL Wederom een gaaf plaatje lekker scherp en een goede belichting. Keep up the good work my friend....
Gr, Riny
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 2/27/2006
A very interesting image with lovely colors