Ian Miller
{K:9190} 8/16/2006
Weddings eh! Nice one! Looks like I MAY be busy sometime soonish, as I have just landed a job with TFL as a "Customer Service Assistant. 22K a yr after training. Pending References, Medical and Police Check. Fingers crossed. We should catch up soon for a drink, maybe give Lil a ring too.
Til then Happy Snappy!
Claude Francis
{K:479} 8/15/2006
im about mate, just really busy at the mo, have been taking loads of photos and have even started doing weddings! ha ha...I gona sit down one night and filter through some shots to upload. i've just upgraded the ram on my pc 4gb - its rapid, no bS! will be in touch mate...mail me claudefrancis24@yahoo.co.uk. i've had a look at your other site, its building up nicely, we'll have to meet some time soon, when things get abit quieter for the both of us. take care geezy!! all the best.
Ian Miller
{K:9190} 8/12/2006
That's Ma Boy!
eh up Claude, Wassupee!!! LOng time no see. Your portfolio seems to have stalled lol. Have you been too busy to upload any more shots matey?
I've been well busy on the photography side of things. checkout my portfolio, if you've got time lol. Hope all is well with you and you family. My other website is called www.flippingfabfotos.com
later matey!
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 3/15/2006
Lovely portrait ..like the sepia tone.nessa
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 2/16/2006
another wonderful portrait of this child which i did enjoy alot viewing ,very great contrast here and beautiful details and tone , all of the best my friend .