Tabitha Borges
{K:728} 4/3/2006
wow what place and what great clouds.. great work..Thans for the comment on my piece and have a great week..tab
ken osborn
{K:2997} 2/28/2006
I have to see this some day. the pano crop works very well.
Mister Ken
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 2/11/2006
Eleonora, this is a great capture and wonderful composition, the panoramic composition works just perfect, very well done, Cheers,
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 2/10/2006
una grande panoramica che sfrutta al meglio tutto il formato wide... belle le luci ed i colori... il cielo offre un'ottimo sfondo..
eleonora frago
{K:2472} 2/10/2006
(ho sbagliato, era ovviamente FROM, non form...)
eleonora frago
{K:2472} 2/10/2006
il titolo in inglese è ''form dusk till dawn'', mi pare.
grazie del commento :)
Saintz Saintz2
{K:11250} 2/10/2006
:-) seems a Famous Tarantino's Film scene ..! From "Dal Tramonto all'alba" I don't know the traslation for this title .. Intresting Place ..