W. Paul Rosenberry
{K:1729} 10/4/2006
I absolutly love this photograph, I bet New Zeland is an amazing place none the less!!!! Send me a plane ticket....please!
Melanie Peters
{K:2248} 10/1/2006
Hi Rina,
a stunning image and I really like your choice of limited colour and tones,
best wishes Melanie
{K:3937} 6/22/2006
Rina, This is a very nice Image,with Color, Symmetry, and Pop! Really pleasing Contrast of White-Beach, White/Dark Sky, and Aqua Water...Once again, Very-Nice... Now I'm kinda' Jumpy every time I here the 'Crack'or 'Swoosh' of a(the) Whip! Had fearful thoughts all Last Night...But that's another Story for another Day... Still trying to figure out Who's the Sly-er of you two Sista's...You are just plain Fun!!!
Joăo F * Photography
{K:41945} 6/12/2006
So strange and so beautiful ant the same time a strong composition dear Rina !!
Cheers joăo
Michael Charles
{K:4348} 6/6/2006
Beautifully done I must say...
Neven S.
{K:1642} 5/22/2006
you are very lucky living in a so beauty country :-) another beauty photo and great done.. and i agree with you about man keeping both hands on the desk when viewing adult images ;) haha have writhe replay but don't think the guy will get it.. a little beat nervose guy ;-) greets to you and have fun
j esford
{K:13518} 4/26/2006
This is a beautiful perspective shot Rina! Great color, contrast, texture and framing. (your new profile picture is equally as stunning!) ;)
{K:5655} 4/14/2006
Nice shot of the multiple moods of nature. I like the variety of shades in this shot.
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 4/6/2006
Oh, thanks, Rina. Somehow, we'll see each other's comments! LOL
Take care!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 4/6/2006
Not sure what to think now. I just did same as you from within the email, and it defaulted to the main image page with all the comments, rather than the proper reply page. I scrolled down to your comment, clicked the reply-to link there and was then taken to a reply page with only your comment and a smaller version of my image.
Wow... this is bizzaro. Not to worry Phil, I'll know to check back whenever I leave a comment to you!
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 4/6/2006
No, Rina, I have not been clicking on it that way - I have to send this one, however!
In the e-mail it says to 'Reply to this comment' - that's what I have always done to everybody that comments on my pics. I am pretty sure that way works OK - I know Joel Aron gets all of my replies.
I don't know why you haven't been getting them. What do you think?
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 4/6/2006
Awww shucks Phil... thanks :) You have an infectious enthusiasm and I'm so glad you like this image.
No, I haven't received your other reply. I know this is going to sound like a dumb question but, are you clicking the "Reply to ..." link above my comment on the actual image page? I'm not too sure if it works the same way when you click it from within an email...
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 4/6/2006
Rina, this is a fabulous image! The colours of the sky and sea contrasted with the colour or the sand is just wonderful! A stunning image!
Rina, I just relied to your comments on the image of my 'Kate'. I trust you got them!
özcan çeltikli
{K:3575} 3/20/2006
hey hop,wonderful.
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 3/8/2006
Hi Dave, this is just the one photo but with multiple copied layers blended with various treatments. Still not too confident of the end result, however, it seems to have gotten a good reaction from folk.
I've since upgraded from PS7 to CS2 so hopefully any 'arty farty' post-processing I do will have a more polished feel in future :))
Thanks for swinging by and leaving feedback. Much appreciated. Cheers!
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 3/8/2006
Very neat PS work! Are all photos taken from the same spot? Or just blended from various photos?
Best, dave
Zé Ovo
{K:7579} 3/6/2006
wonderful composition! Great photo! Regards from Brazil!
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 2/23/2006
wow! very beautiful place and landscape. i missed summer :(
greetings to the southern hemisphere! :)
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 2/21/2006
excellente idée... trčs belle image...
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 2/19/2006
DRAMATIC -such a scene! Great colours and i like the fact that they are smooth and that you didn´t increase any contrast!
Steve Aronoff
{K:18393} 2/15/2006
A wonderful photo, Rina. The converging lines crossed by that limiting curve is a terrific composition. And the palette is super. Very well done! Steve
{K:11377} 2/13/2006
I love the angle :) Very good eye on composition and synthesis! Cheers Rina, Harry
brian underdown
{K:-960} 2/11/2006
just stunning .incredible balance of colour and DOF is spot on. and impressive layer work.
Ace Star
{K:21040} 2/8/2006
wow ... stunning beauty! Rina ... good work this is what we call natures magic :) +7 goes to my fav
excellent really love it
wish you all the best
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 2/8/2006
You are too funny Rina. I was just kidding. I couldn't wear a bikini these days if my life depended on it. I'd get a ticket for doing so. (haha) Ina also sent me a photo of a fur bikini. Great to know they are out there for when I get into my gym routine and lose a few pounds. (haha)
Still laughing!!
Cheers - Ann
PS..this is all Ray's fault. He started it!!! (haha)
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 2/8/2006
Rina, this is an amazing photo and I really love it--it's going into my favourites! Great title, too. Did you know it's what Bob Hope said about the British climate? "You have four seasons just like the US. You just have them all on the same day."
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 2/8/2006
Wonderful landscape.Nice colors and superb use of the lights.
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 2/8/2006
(cough) http://arcticbluegifts.com/ABG/catalog/index.html
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 2/8/2006
Oh yeah OK Ina. Anyone know where I can buy a snow bikini? (yeah right!!!) LOL
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 2/8/2006
Oooooh... Beach Blanket Bingo in fur coats!! That'd work, right...?
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 2/8/2006
Sounds good to me! Then you could all come here and have a beach party on Lake Ontario :))) (and that's not white sand).
My Beach |
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 2/8/2006
Sounds like a plan to me. I'm in. :)
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 2/8/2006
Not to worry Ina! I've volunteered hubby to cook, clean and HE can stay at a hotel while all the UF girls partay!! :))
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 2/8/2006
Hey Rina, did I hear of a UF photo-convention over there? Sounds good to me! I like Susie's idea for a hotel, and Ann's idea of eating out, because I don't like to do the dishes. See what you get when you post a picture like this! I bet you didn't expect foreign guests :>) Cheers, Ina
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 2/8/2006
That's the sound of hubby hitting the floor as he passes out after reading my emails... Strange, can't see anything that would make a grown man faint (bats eyelashes innocently and shrugs) Oh well, I'll leave you to sort out a roster, I'm off! :)
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 2/8/2006
Great - thanks Rina but forget the hotel. I'm with Susie and Ina. We'll all stay at your place. Of course we'll have to eat out cause we'll have all our camera gear spread all over the dining table. :) Oh and great that you have kids too so Susie can take photos of her best subjects. :) By all means still go ahead and fly to both north and south islands for a reccy. Now about your computer....we'll have to organise schedules of course so we can all upload our pics to UF. (hehe) You have a lot to do so I won't keep you any longer. :)
Cheers - Ann :)
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 2/8/2006
To do list:
1. Fly to central North Island, take photos of Mt Ruapehu - check 2. Fly to South Island, take more photos - check 3. Post images to Usefilm, make Ann jealous - check 4. Find Ann hotel in Mission Bay, close to food - check
Notes for 1. and 2.: Must remember to sneak out before kids wake up. Oh yeah, must remember to come back also...
Great idea Ann. On my way out the door now!
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 2/8/2006
Just gorgeous Rina. I'm with Ann and Ina...I'd love to see this in person. Maybe we should have a UseFilm convention..right there on this beach. We could all stay at your place???? Very nice shot. Love the PS work too. Susie
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 2/8/2006
Oh WOW! I knew you were going to tell me that about this scene being your backyard (so to speak). I can't believe it! I travel around the world most of my adult life and never got to NZ thinking it's so close to OZ I can go there anytime and now I'm so far away from it I can't get there easily anymore. So where's the nearest hotel? Somewhere near all those cosmopolitan restaurants I hope? This is such a beautiful scene. I'm so jealous. Do you have any photos of some of those beautiful mountians we see in ads and TV/movies? Would love to see some NZ mountian scenes next please. You do tkae requests don't you? :)
Cheers - Ann :)
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 2/8/2006
Thanks Ann! Yes, silky smooth that Ray :)) Almost missed it myself! And ummm... yeah... this place is kinda my backyard. About a 10 minute drive away. On the other side of the road there, are tons of great Italian restaurants and cafes where you can sit and enjoy the view. Would recommend a visit here if you're ever in Auckland!
Laurie McIntosh
{K:958} 2/7/2006
I love the juxtaposition of the black clouds versus the white sands here Rina... and the symmetry of the line of rocks with the line of the rock wall... well done.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 2/7/2006
Ha ha ha...just caught this one by Ray. Soooo funny Ray getting carried away. Inspiration from the image no doubt. Great chuckle.
Cheers - Ann :)
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 2/7/2006
WOW Rina this is amazing. A gorgeous image. Very powerful weather in the clouds. Lovely curves in the rock wall along the waterfront and beautiful colour in the water. Nice splash of warmth in the sand. Lines of rocks, walls and roads taking our eyes all over this image. It's razor sharp and clear as a bell throughout. Superb image. I just love it and into my faves it goes. Now tell me this is your backyard and I'll really be jealous. Amazing capture.
Cheers - Ann :)
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 2/7/2006
Ray! ROTFLMAO!!!!! Was happily reading away, soaking up your comment when my eyes came to a sudden screeching halt at 'lips'. Thought I was seeing things and had to re-read!
Thank you for that. You've just made my day...
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 2/7/2006
Hi Ina, thanks! Yup, she's a spectacular bump on the earth that Rangitoto. Very hard to do her justice though, as she's far more breathtaking than what you see here. I took this image mid-December last year when it was supposed to be Summer. Instead it was cold, windy and about to rain... Still, can't complain, after all it did create a wonderful mood. :)
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 2/7/2006
Thanks so much Kanwarpreet! All I really did here was create two layers of the same image and desaturated the colour of one. Then basically 'blended' them together til I got what I felt was a nice mix of colour/B&W...
Very glad you like it! Cheers.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/7/2006
WONDERFUL....... have all! favs roby
kisses & hugs
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 2/7/2006
This is gorgeous, gorgeous. Beautiful white sands, wonderful movement in the waves, amazing details in the rocks and the moodiest mother of a sky I've seen in a long while. I love the curve around of the bay, I love the distant mountain, I love the colour of your eyes and the gentle smile upon your lips.........whoops..sorry..got a bit carried away there. Seriously, this is a wonderful composition my sweet Rina. Well done to you. Very best wishes and 'see' you soon sweetie....Ray
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 2/7/2006
Wow, I want to be there NOW! Beautiful sweeping curve and great contrast of the light sand and dark rocks and deep green water. Great stormy sky, full of mood - and she throws a mountain in there, just for added interest. How selfish of you, Rina :)))) All that beach to yourself :))) LOL just an amazing landscape! Cheers, Ina
Kanwarpreet Singh
{K:1868} 2/7/2006
I have not worked in PS so don't know what you mean by blended layers, but all can say is that I am spellbound! Nice perspective & vision!
Regards. kp
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 2/7/2006
You have an amazing eye to see things of interest! Nicely seen and captured by you!! Kind regards my dearest friend. Riny
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/7/2006
What a beautiful I-wanna-be-there shot! Great colours and atmosphere. Best of wishes, Annemette
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 2/7/2006
Fabulous scenic capture.
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 2/7/2006
Thanks Pan :) You are King of moody scenes but I am merely a loyal subject... :)) Cheers!
pan g.
{K:16899} 2/7/2006
Wow! Excellent composition and colours. Well done!