Sudhir K. Reddy
{K:7583} 2/11/2006
Excellent capture of serene silence!! Long time...no heear!?! PHOTOGRAPHY of the HEART Angie!! I like cable running in the middle too to give the realness and down-to-eartness :) to the shot rather than a dreamy image. Re. Humberto's comment, u captured it with the same camera on ur other terrific water fall pics though!? RE. my Amaryllis collage, i explained my nuthin-fancy handiwork in my comments to: http://www.usefilm.com/Image.asp?ID=1024268
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 2/7/2006
A very nice impression of Kentucky and an intersting story. Very well captured ! Regards Jan
Humberto Ruiz
{K:763} 2/5/2006
just get a tripod and move the notch to wher it has an s on it. then set your speed to about 5 secounds. itll say in your owners manual how to move the speed. then move your notch to the apature and set it about 18 to 20 that should work. hope it helps
Angela Lynn
{K:1483} 2/3/2006
Thank you Humberto, yeah I'm still trying to figure out how to do that on this camera. It says its suppose to, but I'm still working on it! lol. Thank you for your kind comment! Angie
Humberto Ruiz
{K:763} 1/15/2006
great shot. it would be great if you could take a shot with your shutter speed opend for a few secounds to get the nice water effect. good job.