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Ocean's Fury!
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Image Title:  Ocean's Fury!
Favorites: 26 
 By: Marc Adamus  
  Copyright ©2006

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imageopolis Staffs Choice Photo Award

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Photographer Marc Adamus  Marc Adamus {Karma:805}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon EOS 3
Categories Landscape
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio The Visual Journey
Lens Tamron 24-135 LD
Uploaded 1/9/2006 Film / Memory Type Fuji Velvia 100
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 3692 Shutter
Favorites 26  Aperture f/
Critiques 67 Rating
/ 19 Ratings
Location City -  NA
State -  OREGON
Country - United States   United States
About Waves crashing onto Ocean cliffs in the last light of sunset. Extremly dangerous shot. 1/4 second for maximum visual impact. Seal Rocks, Oregon. No significant PS work - minor levels adjust, dodge/burn only + sharpening.
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There are 67 Comments in 1 Pages
Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 10/11/2012
excellent is the word for this photo, nice shutter control, love, asim


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 8/31/2010
Staff's Choice Featured on the Front Page right now again and you got the Award right after I commented the first time on January 14th, 2006 so a belated but most sincere Congrats Marc!


mike cable mike cable   {K:-4301} 12/28/2008
Decent, but I've seen this type of shot all too much in Outdoor Photographer.


Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP   {K:18382} 12/28/2008
Congratulation for the honor and the really wonderful picture. You are the specialist for dreamlike landscapes. The important American photographer Ansel Adams would have become envious. Do certainly you know your famous compatriot?
Cheers Gerhard


aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 12/28/2008
Excellent, ..


Cathy Carroll Cathy Carroll   {K:28144} 12/21/2006
Simply magic! CC


Debarshi Duttagupta Debarshi Duttagupta   {K:26815} 12/13/2006


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 9/27/2006
It looks almost surreal. The lighting and the creamy sense of motion are grand. I really like how you have captured the spray on the rocks. Unique and lovely.


Michael Fox Michael Fox   {K:3180} 7/8/2006
Marc -- I just spotted the "Art Wolfe" award you won for this photo! The award was given in the Summer 2006 Environmental Photography Invitational. I read about it on the PhotoMedia website at this location:

Congratulations! Very well deserved. This truly a stellar image, worthy of note and award. Well done!

Best Regards,


Jaci Barnett   {K:314} 5/15/2006
Staff choice is definitely well deserved...the most intriguing aspect of this photo is of course the waves crashing into the rocks, and as if that weren't enough the colours are gorgeous. Excellent composition!


Ming Chee Hoh Ming Chee Hoh   {K:71} 3/9/2006
SUPER photo
what a super stunning photo...
2 thumbs UP...


Abid Muhammad Abid Muhammad   {K:2613} 2/4/2006


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 1/27/2006
Just fantastic...:)


p e t a . p e t a .   {K:18700} 1/15/2006
Fantastic to see you got SC award!! So glad I nominated you! ;)


Cary Shaffer   {K:9269} 1/14/2006
Marcus, this is a very primitive image, could be millions of years ago! Real nice work, & congrats on the staff choice, Cary


Don Martel Don Martel   {K:551} 1/14/2006
very sweet shot! .. a yummy pooh!


Michael Mecomber   {K:814} 1/14/2006
thats a BEAUTIFUL image. thank you for sharing.


Tom Vernon Tom Vernon   {K:384} 1/14/2006
FANTASTIC! is ALL your work.


Fabiola Barrientos Fabiola Barrientos   {K:8169} 1/14/2006
Una impactante imagen de una tonalidad cálida y excelentemente bien realizada, bueno sería saber con que velocidad y apertura se hizo un detalle, excelente, he quedado impresionada!


So Cal Photograhper   {K:18529} 1/14/2006
The ocens' fury is amazing to watch. I love the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Everyone should see the ocean during their lifetime, I know there are many who have not seen it.

The composition and lighting are perfect. Don't know exactly whereabouts you were for this shot, but capturing an image like this was probably worth it, but not recommended for everyone to try.

Well deserved Staff Choice and My Choice too. 7+!


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 1/14/2006
Fireworks at sea with the splashes of water ... GREAT!


J J.   {K:143} 1/14/2006
wow.. beautiful scene.
Especially taken into account you did no significant PS-work, it's a stunning picture.
Great use of shutter speed adds a lot of drama.
Beautifully colored sky and all those rocks.. i love it.
Plus, i love the sea anyway:)
well done.
cheers, jurjen


no longer a member no longer a member   {K:10557} 1/14/2006
Congratulations on this award! I love all of your Oregon pics, but rightly so this one is definately a favorite! Super capture, definately deserving an award! 7++

Many compliments,



Shane O'Neill   {K:3054} 1/14/2006
suberb timimg - you could be there all day and miss capturing water movement like this. Worth the risk!

well done on the award.


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 1/14/2006
amazing perfect composition and perfect lighting


Ian Cameron Ian Cameron   {K:1163} 1/14/2006
Hi Marc

You already know that I think this is one of the strongest shots you have downloaded. Nice to see it here too.


Bob Walker Bob Walker   {K:1066} 1/14/2006
Excellent photo, Marc!
You've got a wonderful set of images in your portfolio... looking forward to more.

Best regards,


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 1/14/2006
Congratulations on your stunning photography and award, Marc! Every single landscape of yours is superb! Amazing quality work! Best regards, Ina


Stephen Davey Stephen Davey   {K:413} 1/14/2006
Fantastic shot Marc, as are your others. Can't wait to see more of your photo's


Rima Dario   {K:4427} 1/14/2006
Splendido scatto,complimenti.
Ciao Dario.


Todd Bennett   {K:-583} 1/14/2006
Wow. Very beautiful. Great lighting and composition.


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 1/14/2006
Outstanding image! Congratulations on the SC (excelent choice!)


Kiarang Alaei Kiarang Alaei   {K:49415} 1/14/2006
Well deserved for the staff awards. moody and magic moment. bravo Marc!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/14/2006
and.. welcome..
outstanding moment very hot, dramatic if maybe for the orange (ddelicate) tones that painted the scene.. i'm so hapy that your STAFF CHOICE well deserved it!
have a nice week end..


Pooriya Zarrabi Pooriya Zarrabi   {K:3836} 1/14/2006
very beautiful rocks and mood of water.
excellent shot...


Linda Mac Donald   {K:1892} 1/14/2006
Wow... Just gorgeous. Perfect Lighting, Perfect moment.


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 1/14/2006
Excellent captre!!! (you mean YOU took a risk or this shot?)....



Alejandra Figueroa Alejandra Figueroa   {K:849} 1/13/2006
I just viewed your portfolio and it's probably one of my favorites. Your use of light and the colors captured is wonderful. I look forward to seeing more of your pictures.


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 1/13/2006
Great action for a slow shutter shot. So often drooling mist.


a. M. a. M.   {K:9020} 1/13/2006
ohhh this is beautiful! congrats on this shot...amazing composition and tones



Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 1/10/2006
Congratulations on the Staff Choice Award. This is well deserved. It's a stunning image. I jsut popped back here to congratulate you. Well done.

Cheers - Ann :)


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 1/10/2006
Just stunning work. What a portfolio you have started here. Very good!


Michael Fox Michael Fox   {K:3180} 1/10/2006
Marc -- A poetic image! The coloring, the texture, the tension, the diagonal line leading the eye through the image -- I can't find a single flaw with this image. You say it only took you a hundred shutter releases and wet clothes to capture this one? Time well spent. I recently attended a workshop wherein the instructor's mantra was this: a bad day capturing photographic images is better than the best day at work. From my view, your one hundred captures seems to validate that mantra. I'll bet you were broadly smiling the whole time you were perched on that rock! Thank you for posting such inspirational images. Your work is appreciated.


Marc Adamus Marc Adamus   {K:805} 1/10/2006
Would it really Bob? Would it look more 'natural' to freeze water in motion or attempt to show it in motion?


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 1/10/2006
wow... excellent capture.. great work


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/10/2006
Hi Marc, i can see the danger in this shot, but you handled it extremely well. This is awesome. The tones, the postprocessing and the composition -- simply spectacular. The dynamic feel in this photo is quite powerful. Very impressive.




Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/10/2006
amazing timing marc, and moment very dramatic, if itwas for the stupend colors..
my best wishes


Bob Aldridge Bob Aldridge   {K:14758} 1/10/2006
A stunning shot Marc!!!!!! but I would have liked it to be more natural with a fast shuter speed as it is a wonderful shot no dought, but it looks unreal as the iye dose not see it that way sorry.
But I do like it all the same..Cheers Bob Aldeidge


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 1/10/2006
it's a real piece of work. Congrats


Alberto Pisculli Alberto Pisculli   {K:181} 1/10/2006
really nice.


Jason Mardell   {K:1113} 1/10/2006
Very nice shot Marc - lovely movement


eleonora frago eleonora frago   {K:2472} 1/9/2006
without words.....

7* and in my favorites.
thanks for sharing Mark!!! :)



* * * *   {K:9196} 1/9/2006
I've been there. The Oregon Coast is fantastic!


Paul Royer   {K:1836} 1/9/2006
Marc.... 10 out of 10... Or should I say 7 out of 7!! Great shot... Love the water it's like fireworks. Great sunset tones. The perfect shot.




Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 1/9/2006
Una toma superior!!!. Preciosa, realmente evidencia la furia del agua contra las rocas. Felicitaciones!!!


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 1/9/2006
I knew it was a wet legs shot at the very least. Mate... I don't know how anyone can afford the film amd developing costs these days let alone the risk of all that expensive camera equipment. I guess we could classify this as an extreme sport huh?! Extreme photography!! PLease don't try this at home. (haha) Take care.

Cheers - Ann :)


Steffen Uhlmann Steffen Uhlmann   {K:760} 1/9/2006
stunning shot!
that`s a >>7<<


s s s s   {K:-413} 1/9/2006
Well worth the danger, fantastic shot


Marc Adamus Marc Adamus   {K:805} 1/9/2006
I waded out and hopped onto a large rock for the perfect vantage point. The biggest danger was losing expensive gear to a rouge wave while firing off about 100 frames to land this one.


p e t a . p e t a .   {K:18700} 1/9/2006
brilliant! I posted one yesterday - this was what I was TRYING to achieve! You've certainly insipred me to keep trying. Wow you've done it on film too - geez well done Marc.


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 1/9/2006
A stunning and dramatic image Marc. The light is spectacular. The movement of water is gorgeous. The composition is excellent and I'm guessing that's where the danger comes into it. You probably had to sit precariously on some rock hoping a rogue wave wouldn't sweep you away into the wild waters. survived it and got the photo so it was worth the risk, but sometimes, we who like to delve into what I like to call "stunt photography" need to be more careful when getting our "sweet" shot of the day. Take care out there.

Cheers - Ann :)


Alison Webb   {K:1779} 1/9/2006
Simply stunning Marc.
Cheers Al.


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 1/9/2006
wonderful, great water movement, very nice light, great tone and colors. Fantastic capture.


Huseyin Gursu Huseyin Gursu   {K:-144} 1/9/2006
Hello Marc,

This is a firework of ocean.
Excellent shot!


Bartek M   {K:359} 1/9/2006
Golden hour, long time of exposure, fog make this wonderful landscape. I would also try some other framing to show some more coast.


Eric Hazard   {K:590} 1/9/2006

The color, the contrasts, the framing, the exposure, I believe if a perfect shot can be taken, this is it.

Congratulations on such a beautiful photo.


Christian Tropea Christian Tropea   {K:2052} 1/9/2006
Stupendo fantastico paesaggio fantastico i colori fantastico il mosso delle onde.. Bravissimo, passa a trovarmi





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