Deleted User
{K:6775} 1/14/2003
Hi Alex....I like the basic composition of this image but I agree with tony on cropping off that blank sky. I wouldnt, however, crop quite as much off the foreground. I just looked through your portfolio and notice alot of your images have this greenish/yellow color cast? Why is that, are you using some kind of filter?
When shooting scenes with alot of brightness you often have to open up your aperature because it is fooled by all that bright light and shuts down too much ...just like your eyes squinting from bright lights. When it does this it tends to make snow scenes look muddy and not the bright glistening white that you are seeing through your veiwfinder.
An easy way to handle this is to use a small grey card in front of your lens to take a light reading...I often use my hand to get an approximate reading if i dont have a grey card with me.
Keep shooting and experimenting with light...hope what i have shared helps a bit...*smile*...Maggie
Chris Lauritzen
{K:14949} 1/1/2003
Great shot here, it has a wonderfull feel to it.
Chris Lauritzen
{K:14949} 1/1/2003
Great shot here, it has a wonderfull fell to it.
william l. borch(jr.)
{K:315} 1/1/2003
Hey Alex Tony got it, thats what I was talking about!
william l. borch(jr.)
{K:315} 1/1/2003
I like the fence it adds to the photo. It is hard in the winter to get any pop in the colors, perhaps a warming filter here would have worked. Nice shot Alex.
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 1/1/2003
Cool shot,an expressive ,wintery scene with beautifully illuminated trees.Perhaps there is just a tad too much foreground which i'd crop out .The dark tones of the fence hold the eye in the scene and connect well with the dark tones of the trees on the other side.There's a sort of triangular composition to this image which I think works well.On my monitor there is a greenish colour cast to this image,is it just my imagination?In the attatchment I corrected this cast in levels-channels