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The Dutchman
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Image Title:  The Dutchman
Favorites: 0 
 By: Randy Libner  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer  Randy Libner {Karma:4084}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon F-1
Categories Architecture
Deep Blue
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio Lens Canon  20-35 mm L
Uploaded 8/23/2009 Film / Memory Type Kodak  Kodachrome KR
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1250 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 40 Rating
/ 8 Ratings
Location City -  On Dutchman Butte
State -  OREGON
Country - United States   United States
About This is a fire lookout that I have visited a few times. I sets atop Dutchman Butte at about 3900 feet. It's an unusual fire tower because it sets on 3 legs rather than 4. Quite odd.
The exposure here is 2 hours 45 minutes long. My guestimation of the exposure was just that.... an educated guess. I started the exposure about 20 minutes after the sun went down. This is what light up the western side of the tower. I climbed up inside the tower during the exposure and used my flash unit to put a glow inside the structure to give it some life.
I recall using Kodachrome 25 for this one and it is the first good photo taken with my 20-35L lens.
I am familiar enough with the angle that the stars travel to know that they would flow somewhat parallel with the railing on the stairway. This did even better than I expected.
The constellation Orion is in the photo and a couple of people here might be able to detect it's main stars with some close study.
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There are 40 Comments in 1 Pages
Randy Libner   {K:4084} 9/26/2009
Ha ha Andrzej, if only I had a choice of colors............ thank Kodachrome for that.
Thank you for visiting and taking time to comment.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 9/26/2009
Thank you Domenico. It's my longest exposure and by chance it is my best ever of star trails. It was very close to 2 hrs 45 minutes.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 9/26/2009
Thank you for stopping by Krishnendu.


 Andrzej Fikus Andrzej Fikus   {K:666} 9/25/2009
Fantastic view ,colors.


Domenico Franco Domenico Franco   {K:1381} 9/20/2009
Randy, I missed this amazing image! Very deserved award, congrats! How long exposure time?


K r i s h n e n d u  - The NoOne K r i s h n e n d u  - The NoOne   {K:12059} 9/12/2009
fantastic shot. very nice :)


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 9/6/2009
Thank you Musa, I appreciate you comments.


mousa Jubran mousa Jubran   {K:5780} 9/6/2009
A pretty picture.
I enjoyed watching the picture.
Accept my sincere greetings.



Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/31/2009
Thank you Hassam.


Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 8/31/2009
Really nice idea and a good work .
Ramadan karem.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/31/2009
Thank you jacques. If I had 3 tripods and 3 cameras that night, it might have gotten even more interesting. I will take credit for the composition, but the exposure was done by crossing my fingers for 2 3/4 hours........ and unusual method, but it worked. ;)


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/31/2009
Thank you Paul. It made my day.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/31/2009
Thank you Sajjad. I have no telescope, but I can still have fun with stars. This is my favorite star image. Never tried such a long exposure as this.


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 8/31/2009
WOW, real impressive capture. The about is really interesting.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 8/30/2009
What an amazing SHOT, Randy! Congrats on the much-deserved award.


Sajjad Saberi   {K:289} 8/30/2009
Hi Randy.

again you captured my love. The stars...
Very Very Very good capture...

Have fun my maestro...


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/25/2009
Thank you Kallol. It has always been a favorite of mine.


Kallol Majumdar Kallol Majumdar   {K:27691} 8/25/2009
Brilliant shot...And congrats...


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/25/2009
Thank you very much for the nice comment Khaled.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/25/2009
Thank you very much don.
My biggest worry that night was moisture. I put a cloth over the camera an lens to keep the dew from getting it wet. Photo was taken in 1994 I believe and in February........ I don't get up early.......... I stay up late. :)
It was cool but I don't recall it freezing that night. Unusual conditions considering the 4000' altitude in February.
About the arcing of the lines........I think the latitude where I took the image is between 42 and 43 degrees N.
In the upper arc the stars are circling the northern pole star and in the lower arc the stars are circling the southern pole star.


don blasingame   {K:3492} 8/25/2009
congratulations, Randy!

excellent work, and what great control of your image working with film. Well planned shot. If you took this image recently, you were up awfully early in the morning to get Orion.

Any reason why the star trails at the lower right are bowed outward?

Congratulations on your award, and thank you for your kind comments on my photos.


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 8/25/2009
Excellent and amazing long exposure image Randy.
Really well deserved award 10/7


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/24/2009
Thank you Stan. The POD made my day even better.

Bill also sent me some other cartoon work to show me what he does.... including the fire lookout test... funny.
He does cartoon illustrations for books, business cards etc. Very down to earth guy.
I saw on the web somewhere, where he was teaching little kids in school how to draw....... the basic kind where you draw three circles to form a bunny........ I recall it was a volunteer effort on his part.
I ought to try and find his phone number and tell him thanx for adding his sketch of The Dutchman to his website.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/24/2009
wooooooooooohoooooooooooo Thank you Robert. Glad you enjoyed this one.
I was hoping that it wasn't going to appear to dark. I guess it wasn't because the POD people liked it. ;)
Thank you whoever you POD people are. Very much appreciated.


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 8/24/2009
I liked it before POD, Congrats Randy. I looked at those links and they were great. I liked the fire look out eye test as well. One of his cartoons linked to the drawings. That is great you got the POD.
be well, Stan


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 8/23/2009
hello randi an extraordinary mood, played on circle-star..
congrats for the POD!


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/23/2009
Thank you Stan. The Kodachrom 25 didn't hurt either. ;)
For your own interest, I went to the Green Mountain Lookout just north of Christmas Valley.
The fella (Bill Friday) who mans the lookout does pen and ink drawings and cartoon work. He had pen and ink drawings of fire lookouts hung all around his lookout.
I told him about this image of The Dutchman and he said he had never seen a lookout with three legs. I told him I would send him a print of this.
Bill said great, and that he would draw it and send me the original. How cool was that?
Long story short .....years later, I was looking at fire lookout sites in Oregon and came across his lookout information at Green Mountain.
His Lookout information above, has a link to a few of his drawings............ and he had included the Dutchman drawing that he made for me. That really made my day.
He made the sky a stormy one because the star trails did not work well with pen and ink.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/23/2009
Thank you Saad. You compliment is a good reward to me.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/23/2009
Hee hee, yes, I need much more patience mutlu. ;)
Thank you for the compliment.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/23/2009
Thank you, i amjad. I put the flash inside a yellow plastic flash light housing to diffuse the flash. I hit the flash 3 or 4 times and hoped it would help. I got lucky with this idea also.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/23/2009
Glad you enjoyed it Dimitra.


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/23/2009
Thank you Maja. No such luck. It was February and there should have been some snow at this elevation. I was so happy to even be able to drive to this location.
It was foggy here for the meteor shower this summer. ......ahh, there's always next year. ;)


Randy Libner   {K:4084} 8/23/2009
Thank you Diego. One camera and one tripod limited my chances of success this evening. I felt very lucky upon seeing the results.


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 8/23/2009
Great POV and great info to go with the image. Hard to be disapointed about the lens with this clarity of the image for such a long exposure. great guess on the exposure.
Be well, Stan


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 8/23/2009
it is a good shot,and have seen some similar works that won some awards,
be well and fine,


mutlu özbay mutlu özbay   {K:324} 8/23/2009
this need to be more and more patient, make an effort too much.
welldone, you hade really good, spectacular shot


benjamin kurtz benjamin kurtz   {K:2108} 8/23/2009
real nice execution. nice idea of using the flash.


Dimitra Metsi   {K:1084} 8/23/2009


Maja Š Maja Š   {K:17951} 8/23/2009
If you took this photo between 10 and 12 of August maybe you manage to capture the Saint Lawrence’s tears!!

Excellent work!


Diego Bullita Diego Bullita   {K:17017} 8/23/2009
hi Randy,
fantastic shot,
my compliment
regards diego




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