Giuseppe Guadagno's imageopolis Photo Portfolios
A rose is a rose (17) |
Black&White (5) |
Colours (21) |
Elegant cyclamens (4) |
Family life of flowers (9) |
Sometimes the flowers seem to show protective feelings towards their buds or live a family life. |
Glances at the Alps (17) |
Pictures taken in summer 2006 during my excursions in the Dolomitic Alps. The themes will decrease progressively in dimensions from mountains to forests then flowers and mushrooms till insects.
I tried to capture partial views, spots, glances, hints hoping to comunicate the mood, the soul of the places. Probably you will find this series of pictures too dark but I preferred to preserve and strengthen the stark contrasts, the exitement and mistery of mountains and forests. |
Microcosm (19) |
Other lifes bound to the plants. |
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