Pam Heisler
{K:4032} 3/25/2006
Wow, your portfolio is wonderful! What abeautiful plcae to live, Our, next years vacation destination.. Beautiful work!
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 9/18/2005
Excellent timing and filtering for a very creative landscape. I like the light skimming the water and giving a slight accent to the rocks.
Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 9/18/2005
Nice composition although it looks like you've used a colour filter (although this may just be the way it appears) and a stronger ND grad might have allowed the foreground an extra half stop of exposure.
Barrie Cranston
{K:172} 9/18/2005
Good shot
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 9/18/2005
so beautiful landscape and nice scence perfect shot well done
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 9/18/2005
Beautiful shot - great colors, and do like the way the light is glistening on the water, and the tiny hint of turquoise blue of the water just behind the gentle wave rolling in on the right. Nice capture - I'd hang this on my wall in a minute! Jan