fokstrot .
{K:6560} 8/28/2007
I really love this photo! Fantastic moment and colors either.
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 10/9/2006
Awesome Capture Scott, Excellent colors, tones and sharpness. And congratulations for the well deserved BIP. Yamil
greg collins
{K:12273} 7/1/2006
What a great capture. The clarity and colour is excellent. Greg
Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad
{K:7396} 6/16/2006
Nice job.
Vincent K. Tylor
{K:7863} 6/16/2006
Well, this for me is as good as it gets! These Hawaiian Monk seals are an endangered species. To have one get this close to you, in this clear water, with this setting surrounding you is simply outstanding!
Regarding the colors: If anybody were to visit Hawaii (near the equator) at this time of year when the sun is at its highest point all year, during the hottest, brightest part of the day, this IS exactly what the colors do look like if you are wearing polarized sunglasses. (which I highly recommend you wear by the way). The photo editor for Webshots, who Scott and I contract images with, used to say the same kind of thing about some of my submissions about colors being too saturated, that was UNTIL she actually flew out here and photographed locations like this for over a week in the summertime. The colors ARE this intense when the sun is this high. You get burned in less than an hour. Trust me, I know.
I showed up at this same location just after he took this and have five rolls from here, as well as the bays right behind where this was shot taken from, and the colors are simply stunningly brilliant. This is not just coincidental; but exactly why we make a point of shooting these kinds of images during this time of year. In January, everything would look very different... much different! There is nopthing unusual about the sky in this. In fact it's much less blue that what is typical. The reason why is that the sun is just beginning its descent which takes away some of that darker blue you often find out here in the tyopics. The colors of the sand, lit up with the mid-day sun, is exactly as you see it. Can be blinding to a degree. Take off your sunglasses, and you literally start squinting. The clear, shallow water has a slightly yellow tint in my opinion, but it is not overly-saturated by any means. A slight color balance from yellow to blue (and I do mean slight) would make the water look exactly what I have as well. Though to be honest, this is very close to what I remember as well.
Just looking at this with the seal relaxing, looking very cool and tropical (practically inviting us in the water) makes me want to go back to this spot and take a swim. Simply outstanding work Scott. One of my absolute favorites of yours! A hui hou.
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 6/16/2006
Great shot ..lovely clarity and colours ..what wonderful expression on his/her face..7/7..nessa
Miles Herbert
{K:1947} 6/16/2006
Interesting shot, but to me personally the vivid saturated colours are just a little over done.
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 6/16/2006
Simoly wonderful! Great colours and details! Good work my friend! Bye..Ale
s s
{K:-413} 6/16/2006
Wow, the colors! This shot would have been great even without the seal.
Alex Wasilewski
{K:888} 6/16/2006
Wow, this pic has awesome clarity and some intense colors as well, especially at the top of the pic in the sky and along the shore...in these spots it seems a little too intense, but nevertheless it is still a wonderful picture, and it seems you made a new friend out of it as well! Great capture!
{K:8878} 6/16/2006
wonderfull capture very nice light and colours...